Page 38 - Voices-2021-10
P. 38


      A Treat to Savor

      Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

       “Trick or Treat” exclaimed the cutest little           person takes the action of going to a meeting and
       8-year-old pirate, peeking below his eye patch         entering a new space, they are taking a chance.

       while holding up a giant pillowcase with               They don’t necessarily know anyone, aren’t sure
       anticipation on Halloween. I complimented his          how it will go, and it could be an uncomfortable
       costume, then happily tossed a handful of candy        experience. But if that same person gets a
       into the waiting treasure bag. He started stepping     friendly hello and is asked “How did you find

       away only to spin around to say “Trick or Treat”       us?” or “Why have you decided to join us today?”
       again along with a mischievous, toothy grin. I         they feel acknowledged and it starts the warm
       couldn’t resist and deposited more sugary gems         feelings of welcome. Inviting them to join the
       into the bulging sack. Why did I cave? Because         conversation signals that speaking and joining

       he was a delightful guest.                             in is possible. They are no longer an unknown
          Since New Horizons Toastmasters club has            stranger but instead a welcomed friend.
       been meeting via Zoom, I have met delightful              “It Was Fun”—Guests that voluntarily go to a
       guests from many countries including Ireland,          meeting that isn’t work related, want to have FUN,

       England, France, and even Australia! Meeting at        experience connection, and feel camaraderie
       8:00 AM PDT (UTC -7) every Saturday (breakfast         in a club! Many guests have mentioned how
       time for us) is dinner or even the middle of the       we’re different by supporting a theme while still
       night for our international guests. Regardless         following a meeting structure without being

       of the time zone, it’s always interesting to meet      super formal. They like being asked to participate
       new people and hear a little bit about their lives.    in Table Topics without the pressure to do so.
       Guests add unexpected perspectives, and these          Many first-time guests decide to speak during
       meetings delight us all. Often, we’ll see them         Table Topics because they feel safe, supported,

       again and sometimes they become members.               and are given an out. At every meeting there is a
       Why do they return?                                    goal to create sincere connections, an atmosphere
          This is what they’ve said: “I felt welcomed.”       of good humor, and a desire for laughter that
          Visitors have lots of options for how they          lightens the mood, making the experience worth

       spend their leisure time. Maybe they’re curious        their time.
       to learn more about Toastmasters or a Facebook            “I Learned Something New”—Our club motto
       post caught their eye. Attracting them is one          is: “Come for the FUN, Stay for the GROWTH”
       thing, keeping them is another. Any time a             which means we’re not just joking around but

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