Page 38 - May 2020
P. 38


                                                              Gunner in a B-17 during WWII, and he came

                                                              face to face with an enemy but he just couldn’t
                                                              shoot as an example of his compassion. I ended
                                                              with a call to action to be heroes during these
                                                              troubling times.

                                                                 My third speech was a great success! I came
                                                              in 1st place out of six talented contestants.
                                                                 Now things were getting real! Patrick
                                                              Locke, Marv Serhan and Bob Hall—all

                                                              three Distinguished Toastmasters—reached
                                                              out to me to provide an incredible level of
                                                              support. Apparently, I was the first member of
                                                              Professionally Speaking to ever make it that far

                                                              in the International Speech contest. They rallied
                                                              the other Toastmasters groups in my area, and
                                                              arranged for me to perform my speech on a

                                                                 I lost track of all the meetings where I spoke
                                                              and received evaluations. Each time I spoke I
                                                              received amazing feedback. I practiced daily and
           Saturday, April 18th - Since the last speech  tried to apply the recommended improvements in

       contest, the world had completely changed due  my many rehearsals. I printed out an evaluation
       to the Coronavirus Pandemic. People everywhere  that was emailed to me by Marv Serhan and this
       were sheltering in place, and public gatherings  incredibly detailed analysis was a 12-page report!
       were shut down. Toastmasters meetings and  I felt like Rocky Balboa in a training montage,

       contests had gone 100% digital.                        except I had many experienced coaches in my
           I shared a speech about one of my personal  corner, not just one. I was developing my public
       heroes, my Grandpa Lee. I talked about several  speaking skills every single day.
       traits of his that I admire: creativity, self-sacrifice,   Saturday May 16th - The District 7 contest

       and compassion. I told brief but impactful  was run amazingly well. We have all gotten
       personal stories that exemplified each positive  really good at using Zoom video conferencing
       quality. I spoke about his gifts that he had crafted  by now. The 7 other speakers were highly skilled,
       out of wood, and what they meant to me as an  and I was genuinely impressed by several of the

       example of creativity. I shared about when he fell  performances.
       and broke his hip but still let my Grandmother            I undoubtedly gave my best version of my
       sleep as an example of self-sacrifice. I iterated  speech yet. I retitled the speech Portrait of a
       the story about when my Grandfather was a  Hero and showcased a painting that I had made

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