Page 37 - May 2020
P. 37

Sometimes Losing is Still Winning

      to nothing to their names. I passed around  schedule as a Pastor, and so I went on from the

      the prayer book that was one of my Great  club level to the Area level contest.
      Grandmother’s only possessions when she left               Saturday, February 22nd - My younger son,
      her homeland.                                          WyLee, came with me to check out my speech
         I also shared a story about my Grandfather  at the Area level contest. On the drive there, he

      in WWII and I started to tear up mid-speech  sweetly expressed that he didn’t want me to win
      because he meant a lot to me. I also passed  because he didn’t want me to leave the country.
      around an old framed photograph of my  I said not to worry, just to take things as they
                                Grandfather’s US Air  come. If I won and we flew to Paris, it’d be quite

                                Force Unit. The yellowed  a memorable family vacation. That seemed to
                                photo of these brave  calm his nerves.
                                young pilots, gunners            This time I arrived feeling ready, rehearsed
                                and bombardiers was  and well prepared! I gave my speech on the

                                an impactful visual  subject of loyalty, shared a funny story of my
                                aid. Grandfather Leon  proposal to my wife, and a story about a client
                                Sheweloff (pictured  whose loyalty I earned after she lost her home
                                bottom right) was clearly  in a tornado. I shared my proven loyalty earning

                                proud of his squadron!       mindset.
                                    My first speech was          My second speech was a success, and I came in
                                a success! I came in  2nd place again . . . out of two contestants—again.
                                2nd place . . . out of two       My son was impressed and felt I should have

                                contestants.                 won. I explained that the other speaker was more
                                    First place winner,  enthusiastic than I, so she won fair and square.
                                Jeff Carr wasn’t able  Second place still got to advance to the Division
                                to commit due to his  level contest.

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2020        37
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