Page 35 - May 2020
P. 35


      Ben Medofsky: Toastmaster &

      Civic Leader 1956 to 1967 (Part 5)

      Harvey Schowe, DTM

      According to Glenn Meek, Past District 7  Humorous Speak-Off in 1964. The humorous
      Historian, documents show Ben Medofsky  speech contest idea was implemented in the fall
      was a member of High Dawn Toastmasters  of 1967 by District Governor Andy Anders. Andy
      Club that chartered June 13, 1949. Ben helped  appointed a committee of five to come up with a

      organize Beyond Basic Club #1360 and Morning  name for the contest and obtain a trophy. Three
      Glories Toastmasters Club. The Beyond Basics  members of this committee were Ben Medofsky,
      Toastmasters Club, now named New Horizons  Glenn Meek, and Past District 7 Governor George
      Toastmasters Club, held its charter celebration  Loney. A contest name had not yet been chosen

      on October 12, 1953. Membership required a  when on October 4, 1967, while dining at the
      Toastmaster to complete 12 speeches in the basic  Multnomah Hotel, Ben Medofsky suffered a heart
      manual or a two-year basics course at another  attack and died at the hospital.
      Toastmasters club. This was the first club of its         The remaining committee members met

      type that Toastmasters International chartered.  October 10, 1967. George Loney suggested
           As a Beyond Basics member, Medofsky served  naming the humorous speech contest after Ben
      as vice president and treasurer. Ben visited on  Medofsky. The Ben Medofsky Contest name
      average four to eight Toastmasters clubs a week  was retained until 2007. The contest name was

      because he met good people in the clubs. Blue Ox  changed to Humorous Speech Contest. District
      Toastmasters club #1235 was one of the clubs he  7 Toastmasters held its last humorous speech
      visited frequently. The club met in the Bonneville  contest November 2017.
      Power Administration cafeteria small dining

      room on Mondays during the lunch hour. Ben  Ben Medofsky’s Quotations
      participated in club meetings as an evaluator and         “Every day is a new life to a wise person. This is
      speaker. He signed in with Happy Day or Smile  the first day of my life for every day is a new life to
      in the Blue Ox guest book.                             a wise person. I feel good Happy Day to you all. I do

             The idea for a humorous speech contest  not feel old. I do not have old thoughts. I feel young. I
      began with District Governor John Case in 1963.  have young thoughts.”
      He encouraged clubs to use humor and suggested
      a Humorous Area Speak Off. David Tribel,                  “ Happiness is within me, I am the master of my
      District Governor 1963 to 1964, tried to start a  fate.”

      contest. Everyone thought this was a good idea
      but no one was interested in giving a humorous            “Freedom of Speech: When you can say anything
      speech. A few clubs competed in a successful  with out thinking about it”

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