Page 43 - May 2020
P. 43

BurnsMasters Toastmasters: 90 days to Charter Status (Part 4)

 Marv Serhan, DTM

 When Marv Serhan was asked to serve as the sponsor for a new corporate club in Vancouver, Washington, he elected to apply a project management approach on how that club establishment and charter would
 take place. Parts I, II, and III outlined the first series of key tasks in the project plan. Part IV will present the final key steps that helped to keep this project moving forward toward charter status. All projects are team
 efforts and this club-charter initiative was certainly that with Patrick Locke, DTM, Bob Hall, EH5, and Greg Hawkins, MS3 coming aboard as co-sponsor and mentors to support this project implementation plan.

            supporting the club, the club president  lead sponsor should arrange a courtesy visit
            should notify TMI of that result. A simple  with the local decision maker to discuss club
            message to  sustainability. Some discussion topics might
            listing the sponsors and mentors will  include but are not limited to:

            suffice.                                            •  Potential challenges that a new club might
         •  Schedule the final 2-hour officer training             face,
            session:  When convenient, work with the            •  Professional development considerations
            club president to arrange this final training.      •  Training and education opportunities

         •  Voices! article: This article was the last          •  Support with Pathways implementation
            item on the project plan and is designed            •  Speech contest involvement/support
            to share the relevant information that may          •  Mentoring/protégé program
            be useful to others planning to sponsor/               implementation

            charter a new club within D7.                       •  Distinguished Club Program significance:
         •  Lead Sponsor courtesy call:  The lead                  the key performance indicators (KPIs) that
            sponsor should meet with the local                     document progress.
            decision maker at least one more time to            •  Ongoing support from the Sponsor/Mentor

            discuss club sustainability considerations             team as required
            as outlined below.                                  •  Emphasis that ongoing support will be
                                                                   available through District, Division, and
             Lead Sponsor schedules a courtesy call with           Area leadership.

          the company decision maker to discuss club            •  Et al
      sustainability.                                            Essentially, it makes good sense to assure
          Note that the club’s charter status does  the decision maker that the Toastmaster
      not guarantee continued success. As such, the  community will be here to support this new

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