Page 46 - May 2020
P. 46


       Daniel Flood, DTM
       Helping Others Grow

       Leanna Lindquist, DTM

      I have known Daniel Flood many years through
      Toastmasters. We have collaborated on marketing
      Toastmasters in the Southern Division. Daniel belongs to
      Jefferson State, University, and VA SORCC Toastmasters


      Tell us about Daniel                                    What brought you to Toastmasters?

          I’m probably one of the few people on                   My Toastmasters journey had a rocky start.
      the planet who can say they owe their life to           My first foray was back in 1983 in Alaska. I

      Toastmasters. I didn’t understand this growing          leveraged my contacts in Toastmasters to get a
      up, but became aware of it later in life. You see,      better job . . . so I thought. It turned out to be one
      my father needed Toastmaster skills in order            of the worst career moves ever! When the job
      to attain the career appointment he wanted.             ended, so did the Toastmasters club. Then, in the

      Toastmasters helped him do that. After he               early 2000s, I visited many other clubs in the Bay
      attained the position, the family was financially       Area, not finding any that had a good fit. Finally,
      secure enough to expand and I was conceived.            in 2010, I found University Toastmasters in
      Had it not been for Toastmasters training, fate         Ashland and everything clicked. I wanted to get

      certainly would not have smiled on me.                  into stand-up comedy. Everything I tried was for

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