Page 51 - May 2020
P. 51

The Silver Lining Behind the Covid-19 Cloud

 Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM

        impossible with in-person contests, where one              District 79 outgoing District Director
        would have to factor in travel and parking time.      Samer Kamal completed a High Performance
            Because of online attendance, many clubs          Leadership (HPL) project on best practices in
        that might have been suspended due to low             online attendance. You can view the document

        membership have recovered through the                 by clicking here.
        infusion of remote members and guests.                    I could go on writing about the silver lining
            As a shining example of resilience,  that Covid-19 has unintentionally created, but
        resourcefulness, and results, District 91 hosted      won’t. Suffice to say that numerous clubs that

        a first-rate, online conference featuring two         are now meeting online would never have
        days of powerful keynote speakers, nearly             considered doing so had it not been for the
        a dozen educational speakers, impressive              pandemic. And District 7 might finally, three
        contestants competing in four contests, and an        years after I posed the challenge, have at least

        annual business meeting that proceeded like           77 blended clubs after this pandemic is over. If
        clockwork. The registrations exceeded 850.            you’re thinking that your club could be among
        At 10 pounds per person (10 pounds sterling           these blended clubs, join our panel discussion
        = $12.2635 as of 5/20/2020), that earned the          on May 24th, 11:00-12:30pm. We ask that you

        district well over 7000 pounds ($8,584 usd)! !        register by clicking here.
            A plethora of webinars have been organized            For questions about online attendance for
        and conducted since Covid-19 restrictions. It         your club, contact toastmaster.michelle@gmail.
        is so much easier to organize online events,          com

        not having to find a venue, logistics, and so on.

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