Page 56 - May 2020
P. 56



           AWARD            DATE                        MEMBER                              CLUB NAME

       DTM               4/8/2020        Pugh, Robert S.                        Wallmasters International
       ACG               4/3/2020        Pugh, Robert S.                        Wallmasters International

       SR1               4/27/2020       Rawnsley, Emma                         Columbia Sq Sqwking Heads
       CC                4/22/2020       Retcher, Brian                         Columbia Sq Sqwking Heads
       DL4               4/28/2020       Schellenberg, Lyle W.                  Bootstrappers Club
       CC                4/29/2020       Seed, Patrick                          Portland Progressives

       CC                4/2/2020        Semprevivo, Karen Ann                  Portland Progressives
       IP1               4/28/2020       Sharma, Mansi                          Speak To Lead Toastmasters
       EC1               4/21/2020       Shortt, Judith L.                      Downtown Lunchbunch
       TC2               4/27/2020       Smith, Oliver B                        Columbia Sq Sqwking Heads

       TC1               4/27/2020       Smith, Oliver B                        Columbia Sq Sqwking Heads
       SR2                4/1/2020       Sorenson, Shannon                      The Standard Speakeasy
       ALB               4/7/2020        Steele, James P.                       Toast of Corvallis Toastmasters
       IP4               4/19/2020       Talley, Kamili                         New Horizons Toastmasters

       IP2               4/21/2020       Tanaka, Wanqi Angela                   Sporty Speakers
       CC                4/17/2020       Taylor, Emilie                         Feedbackers Toastmasters
       ALB               4/25/2020       Taylor, Emilie                         Oregon City Toastmasters

       ACB               4/21/2020       Taylor, Emilie                         Wagon Tongues
       CL                4/17/2020       Taylor, Emilie                         Wagon Tongues
       PM2               4/9/2020        Theobald, Kevin                        Silicon Forest Club

       LD1               4/27/2020       Thorup, Matthew                        Columbia Sq Sqwking Heads
       SR4               4/4/2020        Tucker, Daniel                         Toasting Excellence Club
       CL                4/16/2020       Tully, Kathleen                        WE Toasted Toastmasters
       PM2               4/13/2020       Tully, Kathleen                        WE Toasted Toastmasters
       IP2               4/28/2020       Waller, Cris                           The Toast of Old Town

       EH2               4/22/2020       Wilson, Michael A                      So Oregon Speechmasters

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