Page 4 - 2018 July Voices
P. 4


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         COVER STORY                                          COLUMNS

           6     Get SMART-ER About Your Goals!                12      Transcending Your Comfort Zone
                                                                       Growing from Change
                 Eric Howard, CC
                                                                       John Rodke, DTM - District Director

         EDITORIAL                                             14      From the Desk . . .
                                                                       Welcome to a New Toastmasters Year!
                                                                       Emilie Taylor, DTM - Program Quality Director

           3     I Am Ready . . .                              16      From the Desk . . .
                 Phyllis Harmon, DTM
                                                                       Girl Scouts & Toastmasters
                                                                       Cate Arnold, DTM - Club Growth Director

         FIELD NOTES                                           20      Terry Talks
                                                                       Tom Wolfe & My Way
                                                                       Terry Beard
          18     2018-19 District 7 Executive Council
                                                               23      Perspectives
                                                                       Are You a Club Supporter?
          37     Table Topics to the Rescue!                           Donna Stark, DTM, IPDD
                 Susan Ellsworth, DTM
                                                               24      Behind the Camera
          56     Word Association 101                                  How to Get Ready for Your Close-Up
                 Lee Coyne, ATMS
                                                                       Erik Bergman, DTM

       4      ONE COMMUNITY
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