Page 25 - 2018 July Voices
P. 25

How to Get Ready for Your Close-Up

 Erik Bergman, DTM

          Here are the top tips for on-air success that  •  Don’t memorize word for word what you
      have worked for him.                                      want to say. Rather, work through in your

                                                                mind the top one to three points you want
      For the host                                              to cover; this looks and sounds more natural.

      •  Do anything you can to stay natural and  •  Prepare more questions than you think you
          comfortable (easy to say but hard to do).             have time for.

      •  Help your guest feel at ease by doing a
          pre-interview and sharing the questions  For the interviewee

          you will ask.                                      •  Arrive early so you can watch others shoot
      •  Share a link to a past episode for your guest          their segments, so you grow more at ease

          to watch in advance.                                  in the studio setting. This is especially
      •  Do research to prepare an intro that lays              important if you have never worked in a
          out the guest’s credentials and grabs the             studio setting.
          audience’s interest.                               •  While taping, pay attention and keep your

      •  After delivering your intro to the camera,             eyes on the host.
          look down at your notes or the table, then  •  Ignore the cameras, lights, clocks or any
          look up at your guest to give the director a          other distractions in the studio.
          chance to switch to a new camera shot.             •  Don’t come with a long list of bullet points

                                                                                     VOICES! | JULY, 2018    25
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