Page 20 - 2018 July Voices
P. 20


      Tom Wolfe &

      My Way

      Terry Beard

       Author Tom Wolfe passed away, in May 2017,
       at age 88. We can learn much from him. His
       dissertation at Yale University was rejected
       because of his attention-getting writing style. He

       didn’t conform to the mores and expectations
       of the Yale elite.
          Wolfe had his own writing style. He
       began his journalism career in Springfield,

       Massachusetts, working for the Union News.
       In 1962, he went to work for the International
       Herald Tribune, in New York City. There he
       found his voice as a social chronicler. Wolfe

       specialized in lacerating the pretentiousness
       of others. He called it like it was.
          I am intrigued by Wolfe’s writing                                                                  Tom Wolfe CREDIT
       style. I feel empowered too. Once we find                                                              MARK SELIGER

       our voices, we have the confidence to
       communicate, to share what we see in our
       own unique style, and what we glean living            often, there is a lack of kudos and celebration
       our daily lives. Wolfe found his voice at The  expressed—making sure  that no one gets ahead

       International Herald Tribune. And like many  of us. To keep people feeling not good enough
       of you, I have found my voice at Toastmasters.        so they do not surpass us.
          Borrowing a page out of Wolfe’s writing                Several weeks ago, a guest at the Portland
       style, I am pleased to chronicle a story which  Rotary Toastmaster Club, where I am a member,

       stopped me in my tracks. A straight forward story  introduced himself. Our guest “Robert”
       about the social fabric which is prevalent in our  mentioned that he had discovered our club
       all-too-competitive society. People put people  on the internet, and that this was his first
       down rather than giving them “put ups.” All too  Toastmaster meeting.

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