Page 23 - 2018 July Voices
P. 23


       Are You a Club Supporter?

                                       Donna Stark, DTM, IPDD

      Toastmasters offers a variety of activities— club member. Mahatma Gandhi is quoted, “Be

      Club Officer Training/TLI, Speech Contests,  the change that you wish to see in the world.”
      Conferences, and even the International  Queue the theme music—your mission, fellow
      Convention. I’ve been fortunate to have the  Toastmasters—should you choose to accept
      opportunity to attend a number of these types of  it—is . . .

      events, yet to me the power of the Toastmasters           What do you do to contribute to a supportive
      program is realized at the club level. The mission  and positive environment? The Toastmasters
      of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually  Promise is a great place to start. The Moments
      supportive and positive learning environment  of Truth module is another good resource to

      in which every individual member has the  evaluate your club’s strengths and areas for
      opportunity to develop oral communication  improvement. It contains a Best Practices Chart
      and leadership skills, which in turn foster self- that can help you and your club identify potential
      confidence and personal growth. The club is  causes and recommendations to address all kinds

      where the magic happens!                               of challenges. Even in the strongest of clubs, I
          What is a club?  Merriam-Webster defines a  recommend conducting the Moments of Truth
      club as an association of persons. (There’s also  module at least annually.
      mention of a suit of playing cards, a heavy staff         Are you fully participaing in your club?  Are

      wielded as a weapon, and a sandwich reference  you doing all you can to help your club provide
      we’ll save those for another time.) Which person  a mutually supportive and positive learning
      in your club is responsible for making sure  environment so that you and your clubmates
      your club provides that supportive and positive  can continue to develop your communication

      environment? Is it the Club President? The VP of  and leadership skills, improve your confidence,
      Education, perhaps? Or maybe the Sergeant at  and experience growth?  It doesn’t happen by
      Arms?  Yes, and— it is not solely the responsibility  accident. Commit to the Toastmasters Promise.
      of the officer team. It’s the responsibility of each  Mission Possible!

                                                                                     VOICES! | JULY, 2018    23
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