Page 16 - 2018 July Voices
P. 16




      Cate Arnold, DTM - Club Growth Director

          In the past 25 years, I have been
      a volunteer in over 40 different                             HELP
      organizations. The two I’ve
      found the most rewarding are

      Toastmasters and Girl Scouts.                       WANTED
      They have a lot of similarities.
      Both are run mostly by local
      volunteers. Both have structured

      programs with defined tasks and awards
      for accomplishing them. Those tasks teach
      valuable life skills, especially how to work in                           again. You could be a Club
      teams and be leaders. The troops/clubs thrive                           Sponsor or Mentor to help new

      when members enjoy and support one another,                      clubs form and grow. You could do a
      work the programs and earn those awards.  High Performance Leadership Project to have
      They are also part of larger organizations.  an open house for an existing club to recruit
      They get together with other troops/clubs for  new members, or a HPL Project to locate a

      special events like training, camps, contests.  potential new club and have a kick-off meeting
      They can falter if they lose too many members.  to get them started. You could play a smaller
      Sometimes they disband, a loss not only for the  role by being one of the participants in a kick-off
      members but also for the larger organization. meeting. There are many choices and many

          As Club Growth Director, it is my  good-hearted Toastmasters to help. All you
      responsibility to help clubs stay strong and to  need to do is volunteer! If you are interested,
      help build new ones. I am putting together  you can reach me by email at impeccablecate@
      teams to help. Would you like to be part of or call me at 503-888-2381.

      that? Do you know a group that might want to
      form a club? Do you want to earn leadership
      awards towards your DTM? You could be a
      Club Coach to help a struggling club get strong

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