Page 32 - October 2017 Voices
P. 32


                                  EARLY OREGON TOASTMASTERS - PART 6

                                  by Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian

                                  Donald Card Sloan,  of Commerce, “Pay Your Taxes” campaign as a
                               a charter member of  speaker at a Rotary Club meeting June 28, 1935.
      Portland Toastmasters Club # 31, was born  Beginning November 1935 Donald Sloan, along
      September 16, 1905 in Claresholm, Alberta,  with other Portland Toastmasters members
      Canada to William R. Sloan and Pearl P. Card.   Franklin McCaslin, Charles Stidd, Lynn Sabin
      His family moved to Cardston, Alberta, Canada  and John Davis participated as speakers in a Red
      and then to Logan, Utah in 1909 where his  Cross Drive. March 29, 1936, Donald Sloan gave
      father started a hardware business.                                a speech at a Portland Toastmasters
      He married Clarice Watson                                          Club ladies night meeting. Other
      Glade on April 7, 1927 in Salt                                     speakers at this meeting were Worth
      Lake City, Utah. They moved to                                     Caldweld, John W. Davis, Manley
      Portland, Oregon in 1927 where                                     Robinson and Lynn P. Sabin with
      he worked for the Lumberman’s                                      Frank McCaslin as Toastmaster.
      Trust Company. It later merged                                     Sloan’s participation in Toastmasters
      with American National Bank. He                                    remains unknown after 1936. He
      worked for Murphy-Favre and                                        continued improving his speaking
      United Oregon Corporation as an                                    skills with speeches to various civic
      associate salesman in 1928. While                                  groups. May 1936, Donald sought
      at Murphy-Favre, Donald Sloan                                      nomination as State Senator for the
      met Jefferson L. Wilcox. They                                      13th District. He received 13,298
      decided to organize a partnership                      votes. It was insufficient for a nomination. In
      in an investment company specializing in               1939, he served on the Board of Directors for
      bond distribution and trust shares in 1930.            the Multnomah Chapter of the Red Cross. In
      They opened for business January 1931. Sloan
      became involved in civic activities. As a member       addition to a career as an investment banker,
      of the Junior Chamber of Commerce he met               Donald Sloan was an amateur actor participating
      Frank McCaslin, a future charter member of             in plays such as “Dear Family” June 1942 and
      Portland Toastmasters Club. They participated          “The Warriors March”, March 1944 at the Civic
      in a cleanup Portland Campaign for the Rose            Theater. He wrote a play titled “Pacific Paradise”
      Festival. He was involved in a campaign to stop        about the strange customs natives on the Island
      the recall of Mayor George Baker. May 17, 1932,        of Manu’s near Soma. He described an incident
      he delivered a speech at the Junior Chamber of         where he was sitting in a hut when the natives
      Commerce supporting Mayor Baker. Donald                burst in throwing knives at him. He managed
      Sloan was elected president of the Portland            to avoid them. Apparently knife throwing was
      Branch of Latter Day Saints November 13, 1933.         custom on this island. After World War II, he was
          During the fall of 1934, Donald Sloan joined       a Rose Festival Rosarian. He traveled to Rio De
      Portland Toastmasters Club #31. He participated        Janeiro, Brazil, South America, Europe, and the
      in a Toastmaster Speakers Bureau, the first in  U.S. From the 1940s until his death he delivered
      Oregon, where he delivered the speech Lets Quit  many speeches on securities investment to
      Killing about traffic safety on February 28, 1935.  various civic groups. During the evening of
      April 1935 Toastmaster members participated  September 10, 1969, while preparing a talk for
      in a Speakers Bureau that promoted the Rose  the Certified Public Accountants, Donald Sloan
      Festival. He participated in a Junior Chamber  died from a heart attack.

         32                                                                 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017
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