Page 27 - October 2017 Voices
P. 27


 University of Oregon Club  Toastmasters. . . Where Everybody
      Knows Your Name

 by Angela O’Brien, Club Treasurer
      by Leanna Lindquist, DTM, IPDD

          When I moved to Oregon 40 years ago  better version in a few
      I longed for the sight of a familiar face, for  weeks. We supported our contestant with a
      someone to say, “Hello Leanna.” It didn’t matter  round robin evaluation. We laughed, learned,
      if I was at the grocery store, the gas station, or  and loved being Toastmasters.
      the dry cleaners. Not one face was familiar to             Supporting one another is a bonus I
      me. No one knew my name.                               appreciate. Many of our members have been
          The beauty of Toastmasters is you become  touched by tragedy, job loss, and poor health.
      part of a small community, then a larger one.  There are wonderful stories in District 7
      I recently experienced community while  of members helping members outside the
      attending contests. I hadn’t seen David Johnson,  club setting. Food at memorial services, job
      Ruth Geislinger, or Robert and Terri Brewer  references, transportation, housing, and a
      for months. We instantly recognized each  helping hand with child care or a move are just
      other and started talking. I visited Competitive  some of the ways members have helped each
      Speakers PDX to see Chelsea, Ryan, and Atlas  other. Solid friendships and even marriages
      Avery. I also saw Karen O’Keefe, Erik Crowley,  have occurred because of Toastmasters.
      Thomas Lundsford, and Eldred Brown whom                    If you have had to step away from
      I hadn’t seen in months. I love to walk into a  Toastmasters for a while, you most likely
      room and see familiar faces. I was at a play in  were welcomed back with open arms. People
      Lake Oswego last week. Someone came up to  remembered your name. They were happy to
      me and said, “I know you, I’m from Banfield  see your face. You were able to pick up right
      Barkers.” What I wouldn’t have given to have  where you left off. It felt good to be back in
      an experience like that 40 years ago.                  your community.
          I love the comradery Toastmasters offers.              If you are of a certain age you will know
      We had an outstanding meeting at Feedbackers  this article was inspired by the beloved sitcom
      on the 11th. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I  Cheers. You might enjoy a little comparison
      told a story about a scary experience. I received  between the theme song and Toastmasters. I
      valuable feedback that will help me deliver a  see a similarity. Do you?

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017                                                                         27
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