Page 23 - October 2017 Voices
P. 23

Articulators Toastmasters

      by Leanne Murray, Club VP Public Relations

          September 12th was a big day in St.  work outside the area can
      Helens, Oregon. It’s been 36 years since a new  participate.
      Toastmasters Club was started in Columbia                  “For a small commu-
      County, and the 12th was the day The Articulators  nity like St. Helens, it’s a
      received their club banner. Emilie Taylor,  privilege to have a second
      District Club Growth Director, was on deck to  club, especially one that
      congratulate founders Ronda Holdridge and  is so focused on providing extra resources to its
      Dennis Hills, as well as to present certificates to    membership,”  Leanne Murray, VP of member-
      the charter members who were present.  Ronda           ship and public relations shared with us.  “Ronda
      is the current Area 83 Director.                       and Dennis have pulled out all the stops to lead
          Even though the charter was completed just         us to excellence; we are so fortunate to have their
      this summer, the club has already had several          commitment and expertise.”
      special events to generate interest among the              Of course all are welcome to visit, so consider
      young membership and the community at large.           taking a beautiful drive to St. Helens on Tuesday
                                                             nights to join this energetic club at 6:45 in the
                                                             Avamere dining room at 2400 Gable Road.  You’ll
                                                             be glad you did!
                                                                 Leanna Murray joined Toastmasters in 2016.
                                                             She is serving as club VP Public Relations.

      They hosted Quint Crispin the week before
      he went to the international contest in August,
      Eric Winger shared tips on speech evaluations
      in July, and Allison Bennett presented a vocal
      variety playshop in June. The new club meets in
      the evening so it is at a time when people who

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017                                                                         23
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