Page 25 - October 2017 Voices
P. 25


       Become a Game Changer

       by Lisa Hutton, ACB, ALB

          The cool brisk air and autumn leaves  think has the potential to
      crackling underfoot signify that we are preparing  make a difference.
      for a change of seasons. Similarly, Toastmasters’          District 7 Toastmaster clubs in need of a Club
      revitalized education program Pathways  Coach
      has launched and our last Fall conference is               •  Blue Ox Toastmasters: meets every
      happening in just a few weeks (November 10th                  Monday at 11:45 am in NE Portland
      - 11th).                                                      at Bonneville Power Administration
          Since change is the only constant in this                 Cafeteria / Conference Room
      world, now is as good a time as any to get up,             •  Wrip City Toastmasters: meets every
      step out, and become a game changer in your                   Monday at 6:30 pm in Beaverton at
      Toastmaster community!                                        Standard TV and Appliance in Conference
          I sincerely consider District 7 members to be
      some of the most generous and action-oriented                 Room
      people I know. We are Champions, Leaders and               •  Toastmasters of the Universe: meets
      Compassion Gurus. Thank you to Loren Wagner                   at 11:30 every Tuesday at 2030 NW
      for stepping up to serve as the Club Coach for                Pettygrove Street
      Stevenson Club in Washington. I look forward               •  Oregon Toastmasters Club: meets at noon
      to hearing from their club President, Bryce                   every Wednesday at Pioneer Tower on 5th
      McCollum, on the success of their united efforts              Ave in Conference Room
      to revitalize their breakfast club.                        •  Creekside Toastmasters: meets at 7:00 am
          The following Toastmasters clubs are in                   in Beaverton every Wednesday at Murry
      need of a ‘lil support keeping their membership               Hills Christian Church
      numbers on the upside and navigating their                 •  Columbian Club: meets at noon in St.
      club towards a new path. Please take a moment                 Helens every Thursday at Americas Best
      to review the following list, consider the                    Value Inn on Columbia River Hwy
      opportunity to be a club coach or, share the               Please contact me at clubcoachcoordinator@
      information with a fellow Toastmaster that you if you’re interested.

                  Starting a New Club?

           or Want to Start a New Club?

            District 7 has the resources to help you
         make it happen. We have experienced
         members who can put on a stellar kick-off
         meeting. You will receive advice on marketing
         to attract the members you need. Don’t worry
         about the charter paperwork, we can help you
         with that too.
            Don’t go it alone. Contact Club Growth
         Director Emilie Taylor, DTM, cgd@d7toast- for the support you need to start
         the next club in District 7.

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017                                                                         25
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