Page 35 - October 2017 Voices
P. 35

happens. It’s the stuff you need!                      equipment, building the content, creating a
          The first, and most crucial step is to build  unique agenda, networking, showing hospitality
      a committee and start planning at least four  to our keynote speaker, and many more. A post-
      months in advance! Time will slip by fast!             event meeting was also extremely helpful to
      Things to consider:                                    identify opportunities. But more importantly, to
          •  What is the purpose of your open house?         celebrate success and give everyone a pat on the
             We decided these were the most important        back!  Our leaders took an ordinary open house
             to us.                                          and turned it into an extraordinary experience
                •  Grow our membership                       for us and the audience. This Project stretched
                •  Begin the foundation for a charter        many of us outside of our comfort zones! By
                    club                                     stepping up to leadership opportunities, we grew
                •  Enhance our workplace with a strong
                    theme, “How To Be The Best Boss”.        in ways we never expected.
          •  Assign your chair or co-chairs and ensure           For me, this event exceeded my expectations!
             all committee members choose their area         I was lucky enough to hear our message being
             of responsibility around the following:         spread across the company during meetings
                •  Venue                                     for days after the open house. Always think big,
                •  Content                                   dream big, plan big, and the results will come.
                •  Marketing                                 Yes, just one little idea could possibly make a big
          It is extremely important in this planning         difference to many! Thank you Noon Talkers
      process that each person assigned to a value           Club 7450 and Thomas Cox for all that you do
      understands what is needed from them, including  to make a difference.
      support from the chair or co-chair of the event.           Stephanie Magoulas joined Toastmasters in 2014.
                                                               She is currently serving as Area 62 Director, and
                                                               previously as Club President of Noon Talkers.

          The second, most important task is to
      not let anyone’s foot off the gas pedal. What
      do I mean by this? Always schedule update
      meetings at least once a week leading up
      to the event. Our big win was scheduling a live                  Magic is believing in
      rehearsal the day before to ensure all equipment
      was in proper working order, and that all speakers                yourself, if you can
      were comfortable entering and exiting the stage,
      and speaking with a microphone.                                do that, you can make
          By creating this structure of support, our                      anything happen.
      members gained experience running conference
      calls, creating a digital marketing campaign,                            Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
      securing the venue, running audio/visual

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017                                                                         35
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