Page 36 - October 2017 Voices
P. 36


                            Club Name                               Last Name             First Name

           Barnhart Toastmasters                             Abbott                       Kristen
           The Toast of Old Town                             Akse                         Nathan

           Tower Toastmasters                                Almarzouq                    Mohammed
           The Toast of Old Town                             Andriacchi                   Katie
           At The River's Edge Club                          Basile                       Emily
           The Toast of Old Town                             Bennett                      Stacy

           Capital Toastmasters Club                         Blocker                      Michael
           McMinnville Toastmasters                          Booth                        Jonathan
           The Toast of Old Town                             Brady                        Britt
           Speakers By Design                                Buffehr                      Cole

           Audacious Orators                                 Campbell                     Susan
           Yaquina Toastmasters                              Carlson                      Julia
           The Toast of Old Town                             Christian                    Austin
           Titan Toastmasters Club                           Copeland                     Alexander

           The Toast of Old Town                             Davis                        Dena
           Gateway Toastmasters                              Dawson                       Prem Terri
           McMinnville Toastmasters                          Dickey                       Scott
           Southern Oregon Speechmasters                     Economy                      Dean
           The Toast of Old Town                             Finger                       Michael
           Lake Oswego Toastmasters Club                     Frye                         Gavin

           Essayons Club                                     Fuller                       Lucas
           The Toast of Old Town                             Gable                        James
           Capital Toastmasters Club                         Garcia                       Juanito
           Coos Bay Toastmasters Club                        Ginn                         Jimmie

           Capital Toastmasters Club                         Golden                       Jacob
           Speakers By Design                                Goucher                      John
           The Toast of Old Town                             Gray                         Laurel
           Capital Toastmasters Club                         Griffen                      George

           The Toast of Old Town                             Harestad                     Lori
           Vancouver Toastmasters Club                       Haubrich                     Ronald
           Stagecoach TM                                     Humphrey                     Kelly
           The Toast of Old Town                             Hunt                         Hillarie

           Gorge Windbags                                    Jensen                       Samuel
           Gorge Windbags                                    Jensen                       Samuel
           Will-Sher Club                                    Johnson                      Craig
           Sage Beaverton Toastmasters                       Kambhatla                    Sanjay

           Yawn Patrol Club                                  Kasahun                      Daphne
           Audacious Orators                                 Ketchum                      Kylea

         36                                                                 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 OCTOBER, 2017
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