Page 33 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 33

Talking Up Toastmasters

                         by Loretta J. Schwarz, DTM

    Since 2003, Bob and I have been host          Power Building. Bob’s
parents to students from Japan, Korea,            toastmasters’ experience
Taiwan and France. The Pacific International      began with the Blue Ox Toastmasters Club
Academy of Marylhurst University offers an        in about 1965.
English Study Program to students from Asia
and other countries such as France and Saudi          While living on our 4.5 acre Christmas
Arabia an opportunity to study English.           Tree Farm in Cornelius, Oregon in 1975,
                                                  we became very active in the Hillsboro
    In 2015, I considered introducing our Asian   Toastmasters Club. Bob was the President
college students to Toastmasters. Nozomi          and worked to meet all requirements for his
Yoshida was our first student, majoring in        DTM. From Cornelius, OR we moved to West
International Studies, with interest in the       Linn, Oregon in May 1992. In 1993, we started
United Nations. Nozomi was very interested in     the West Linn Toastmasters Club with about
American Culture and volunteered in several       12-15 members. It disbanded in 1995 and we
activities. She volunteered to teach Japanese at  joined the Oregon City Toastmasters Club.
Beaverton High School, volunteered to help        Bob retired from Oregon City Toastmasters
with Portland Historical Society, volunteered     Club in about 2008. I retired as a DTM
to help in the only non-profit restaurant in      from Oregon City Toastmasters Club in about
NE Portland. When Bob and I talked to her         2010. Since I have retired, I have continued
about Toastmasters, she was very interested       to extoll the virtues of Toastmasters Club
in attending a Toastmasters Club.                 Program and Leadership Training. I returned
                                                  to college at age 32 and I contribute good
     I called Marylhurst Toastmasters Club to     grades to my toastmasters training. After I
learn about the time and meeting place on         retired as a Financial Manager with Indian
Marylhurst University Campus. After looking       Health Service in 1992, toastmasters training
at her busy English learning and volun-           helped me to be elected to the City of West
teering schedule, we attended Marylhurst          Linn’s Budget Committee. In 1985 I was
Toastmasters Club twice. Nozomi embraced          selected from stiff competition to be selected
the experience and looks forward to joining       as Federal Employee of the Year in Technical
the toastmasters club in Hiroshima, Japan.        and Managerial Category.
Nozomi returned to Hiroshima, Japan on
February 13, 2016 to complete her last two            Also, Bob’s Toastmasters’ experience
years of college.                                 opened many doors for him in his Civil
                                                  engineering background. He trained
    After Nozomi returned to her home,            Federal Employees in Safety Management
Ayane Imamura of Kukuoka, Japan came to           Practices and became the President of the
live with us for a month. Bob and I intro-        National Safety Management Organization
duced Toastmasters Training to her and she        in 1972-1973.
was ready to visit Marylhurst Toastmasters
Club. On Thursday, March 10, 2016, we                 Therefore, Bob and I will continue to tell
visited Marylhurst Toastmasters Club. On the      young people about what the Toastmasters
program were four very good and interesting       International Program is all about and
speakers. Ayane expressed how much she            what this program will do for them. We will
learned from the speakers, the Toastmasters       continue to take our foreign students to visit
program format and will consider joining the      Marylhurst Toastmasters Club.
Toastmasters Club in Kukuoka, Japan
                                                      Article submitted on behalf of Bob and Loretta
    My Toastmasters experience goes back to       Schwarz by Leanna Lindquist, DTM. Bob is a
1962 with Oregon Trail Toastmistress Club         WWII vereran, and Loretta runs her own business.
that met at lunch time in the Bonneville

Volume 2 Issue 8 - MARCH 2016                        33
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