Page 35 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 35

Making Future Leaders Today

by Hanin Najjar

    Future Stars, a gavel club for Toastmasters    and I am not afraid
International, empowers the youth of today         to stand out. As former secretary, president,
and makes the leaders of tomorrow by training      event planner, and current website and social
members with the essential communication           media manager I have seen a lot of how the
and leadership skills. Club meetings consist of    club runs. It never ceases to amaze me the
youth speakers as well as adult guest speakers.    outcome of youth who are given a chance
However, this club does not only help the          to shine. The most valuable lesson taught at
youth develop public speaking skills, but hosts    Future Stars is the the empowerment of the
speaking competitions, and sends the youth         youth. Given the opportunity and the moti-
to volunteer with various organizations such       vation, the youth will bloom and rise above
as the Oregon Food Bank. With little super-        anyone’s expectation. It is time to allow the
vision and help from the coaches, the club         youth to take charge and plant the seeds of
is run entirely by youth members. Like any         leadership in them now. Empowering youth
other Toastmasters club the members learn          by providing them opportunity and respon-
to speak as well as to listen, but what makes      sibility embeds in them the skills to become
Future Stars unique is that it doesn’t just teach  future leaders. Future Stars allows these youth
public speaking skills but life skills in leader-  members to grow into leaders and makes
ship and responsibility.                           tomorrow’s leaders today.
                                                   Check out Future Stars on Facebook www.
    My name is Hanin Najjar. I am a junior
at the International School of Beaverton.
Being a part of Future Stars for 6 years now
has changed me completely and helped me
develop a confidence in myself not only
speaking on stage but off stage in a casual
setting. I am now more confident in who I am

   “Developing excellent communication skills is abso-
lutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must
be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a
sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader
can’t get a message across clearly and motivate others to
act on it, then having a message doesn’t even matter.”

   — Gilbert Amelio, President and CEO of National
Semiconductor Corp.

Volume 2 Issue 8 - MARCH 2016                              35
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