Page 29 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 29

Happy Anniversary To March Clubs

                               The following clubs are celebrating their charter
                               anniversary this month. Congratulations to all!

                               Charter Years  Clubname
                                              Audacious Orators
                               3/25/2013  3

                               3/31/2004 12   Babble-On

                               3/29/2001 15   Battle Ground

                               3/17/2003 13   Bend Chamber

                               3/1/1948   68  Cascade

                               3/1/1999   17  Clark County

                               3/30/2010  6   Coastmasters

                               3/13/2012  4   Columbia Communicators

                               3/1/1944   72  Coos Bay

 A special shout               3/1/1984   32  Highnooners
 out to Cascade,
  Coos Bay, and                3/31/2010  6   Liberty Talkers
Sunrise who have
 passed the half-              3/1/1980   36  Lunch Bunch
  century mark!
                               3/4/2011   5   Milwaukie Talkies

                               3/1/1993   23  New Beginnings

                               3/1/1988   28  Patriot Talkers

                               3/1/1985   31  Prime Time

                               3/3/2010   6   Professionals of Portland

                               3/3/2014   2   Salmon Speakers

                               3/31/2009  7   ScanEagle

                               3/1/1991   25  Southern Oregon Speechmasters

                               3/15/2010  6   Suite Talkers

                               3/1/1954   62  Sunrise Toastmasters Club

                               3/26/2009  7   Symantec

                               3/27/2006 10   Tabula Rasa

                               3/1/1999   17  The Dalles

                               3/30/2011  5   The Society of Oratory Aerialists

                               3/30/2015  1   Toast to US
                               3/7/2006   10  Walker Talkers

                               3/1/1986   30  West Beaverton

Volume 2 Issue 8 - MARCH 2016                                            29
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