Page 23 - Voices aug2014 8.5.2014
P. 23
Kay Watson—I joined Toastmasters two years I’m Erik Berman, DTM, the Division E Division
ago with the intention of improving my public Governor. I became a Toastmaster when I
speaking skills. As a former teacher I was accus- joined WE Toasted as a charter member in
tomed to being in front of various groups so it 2007. People and their stories are the heart and
was not about fear of speaking. My goals are to
become more professional and more proficient soul of Toastmasters for me. My goal is to serve
as a speaker and to assist others in doing the members and clubs in the same spirit of service
same. that so many other Toastmasters have
modeled for me.
Rita Childs—I joined Toastmasters
to make a better first impression. I
have talked all my life. My aunt,
who was a member of a club at
BPA, encouraged me to join to
build up my talent for speaking. My
goal as Area 61 Governor is to get
out of my familiar zone, to learn as
well as be a support person. I plan Robyn Knox—I joined Toastmasters
to encourage groups to aspire to go Spring 2014. I am hosting a women’s
higher; to encourage Toastmasters leadership conference in January 2015
to think beyond now, building a at The Allison. We are expecting 200
culture that attracts younger peo-
ple to join, where the legacy of Raynette Yoshida—I joined female professionals, entrepreneurs
Toastmasters is handed down to and business owners and I would like
the next generation of leaders. Toastmasters to be a better Ann Kroetch - In to polish my presentation skills for the
p e r s o n . F o u r y e a r s o f 1985, I was a weekend event. I am looking forward
Toastmasters equipped me with Toastmaster for to helping the clubs in Area 64
skills to take on leadership roles I one year. What I continue to grow and challenge
remember most
would have never thought about my experi- themselves to be their best in 2015!
possible. My vision for managing ence was all of the
Area 62 is to incorporate my positive people I en-
governor responsibilities with my countered. I rejoined Toastmasters in June of 2012.
existing commitments by asking Once again I find nothing but positive energy from all
for help. That way I won’t feel those I encounter. The two clubs I belong to now have
overwhelmed thinking that I can both achieved President’s Distinguished status for the
two years I have been a member. As area 65 governor, I
do it all by myself. hope to share some of this experience with other clubs,
by helping them to reach similar goals.
ago with the intention of improving my public Governor. I became a Toastmaster when I
speaking skills. As a former teacher I was accus- joined WE Toasted as a charter member in
tomed to being in front of various groups so it 2007. People and their stories are the heart and
was not about fear of speaking. My goals are to
become more professional and more proficient soul of Toastmasters for me. My goal is to serve
as a speaker and to assist others in doing the members and clubs in the same spirit of service
same. that so many other Toastmasters have
modeled for me.
Rita Childs—I joined Toastmasters
to make a better first impression. I
have talked all my life. My aunt,
who was a member of a club at
BPA, encouraged me to join to
build up my talent for speaking. My
goal as Area 61 Governor is to get
out of my familiar zone, to learn as
well as be a support person. I plan Robyn Knox—I joined Toastmasters
to encourage groups to aspire to go Spring 2014. I am hosting a women’s
higher; to encourage Toastmasters leadership conference in January 2015
to think beyond now, building a at The Allison. We are expecting 200
culture that attracts younger peo-
ple to join, where the legacy of Raynette Yoshida—I joined female professionals, entrepreneurs
Toastmasters is handed down to and business owners and I would like
the next generation of leaders. Toastmasters to be a better Ann Kroetch - In to polish my presentation skills for the
p e r s o n . F o u r y e a r s o f 1985, I was a weekend event. I am looking forward
Toastmasters equipped me with Toastmaster for to helping the clubs in Area 64
skills to take on leadership roles I one year. What I continue to grow and challenge
remember most
would have never thought about my experi- themselves to be their best in 2015!
possible. My vision for managing ence was all of the
Area 62 is to incorporate my positive people I en-
governor responsibilities with my countered. I rejoined Toastmasters in June of 2012.
existing commitments by asking Once again I find nothing but positive energy from all
for help. That way I won’t feel those I encounter. The two clubs I belong to now have
overwhelmed thinking that I can both achieved President’s Distinguished status for the
two years I have been a member. As area 65 governor, I
do it all by myself. hope to share some of this experience with other clubs,
by helping them to reach similar goals.