Page 35 - December 2019
P. 35

business, from interpersonal relationships, to
      directing talent while on a shoot, to leading
      workshops—communication is paramount.
      Toastmasters has provided me the opportunity

      to connect with individuals who are able to use
      my services to grow their business. In the near
      future I plan to lead trainings for corporate
      marketing departments teaching them the

      fundamentals about multimedia production and
      content marketing strategies.
      What advice do you have for clubs to  1. Auto-Enrollment
      attract and retain millennial members                     •  Subscription based structure for signing
      like yourself?                                               up for Toastmasters

          There is no one size that fits all as my              •  This will help people understand that there
      demographic of millennials has various needs                 are terms to the Toastmasters season and

      like any generation before and after me will.                will alleviate the extra step of calling for
      But I do have some thoughts about how the                    dues every 6 months
      Toastmasters organization could increase the  2. Mentorship
      accessibility of club materials, day-to-day               •  Mentor can reach out to mentee and keep

      meeting management and streamlining the                      a status report on what they are doing and
      recruiting process.                                          if the club is still a good fit for them
                                                                •  Have someone to come to when they are
      Attraction:                                                  having challenges and know that someone

      1. Create a Toastmasters App                                 is depending on them
         •  Able to run a meeting using software                 Most Important tip: Run quality meetings
         •  We need to make it possible to make  where members are feeling supported, growing
            payments to the club within an app- Easily  and engaged.

            view your Toastmasters progress                      Thank you for the opportunity to share some
      2. More Online Clubs with Convenient Meeting  of my background and positive experience with
      Times                                                  Toastmasters. Invite your friends to come to
         •  People like to be able to connect with others  your next club meeting; you never know who

            from the convenience of their own home might join!
         •   Less overhead                                       If you’d like to view my work and learn about
         •  Ability to practice connecting with people  me, my website is:
            around the globe and speaking on camera

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