Page 34 - December 2019
P. 34


       Brian Cargill, TC2

      Communication is Paramount

       Leanna Lindquist, DTM

      This month’s focus is on Bryan Cargill who joined  community. Toastmasters has filled that need

      Toastmasters in 2015. Brian can be seen at District  for me. I’m fortunate to have the privilege to call
      events this year with his camera and very large lens. many Toastmasters my friends. I’ve been active
                                                             in various clubs across Portland such as Moser
      Tell us about Bryan                                    Community Toastmasters, Feedbackers, and

          I spent much of my childhood on the soccer  At the River’s Edge over the course of the past
      fields in Tacoma, Washington learning how to  4 years. Last year I was Area 53 Director, I am
      compete and the value of consistent practice.  thankful to the clubs in my area who that giving
      Similar to our experience at Toastmasters.             me the opportunity to visit and provide support.

          I studied journalism at the University  They made my job easy by being welcoming,
      of Oregon because I wanted to get a better  engaged and communicative.
      understanding of interviews and learn how to tell
      a strong story. My education translates well into  You were seen at TLI photographing
      the freelance video production that I do today  the entire event. Tell us about your
      where I am constantly asking questions of my  relationship with photography

      clients to not only better assist them, but to help        Photography is a relatively new skill for
      accurately convey the message and personality  me. I’ve actually been a videographer for the

      of their business.                                     past 7 years. I’ve been wanting to increase my
          I moved to Portland to follow my now fiancée,  abilities, especially in event photography, as
      Emily. We met our senior year of college in  well as continue to develop my portfolio. I also
      the same video production class. We’ve been  enjoy being able to give back to the Toastmasters

      together for about 5 years and have just recently  community with photos that can be used as
      announced our engagement with a hot air  promotional materials for future events and
      balloon ride this past August. We will be getting  social media.
      married in 2021.
                                                             How have you used the skills you learned
      What brought you to Toastmasters?                      in Toastmasters to build your own

          When I first moved to Portland I did not  business?
      know a lot of people, I was seeking a supportive           I use Toastmasters every single day in my

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