Page 32 - December 2019
P. 32


     Have More Successful Projects

      Dottie Love, DTM

      While mentoring a club member, she asked                 fact, can be almost anything, so long as it is
      what more could be done about starting an                legal, ethical and socially responsible, and your
      improvement project at work. She wasn’t sure             activities are not represented as being endorsed

      of the best way to launch and track it. Since I          by Toastmasters International. More here.
      had earned my High Performance Leadership                    Examples of HPL Projects
      (HPL) award by creating a program to help                    •  Organize Community Fair
      Toastmasters members earn awards faster, I                   •  Conduct a Blood Drive in 2020

      was sure a HPL was an excellent way for her to               NOT a Candidate for a HPL Project
      launch and deliver the project.                              •  Bike from Seattle to New York someday
         Toastmasters International created the HPL                   – Time is not specific
      as an action-learning program designed to help               •  Achieve a Pathways award in 6 months

      you develop your leadership skills and organize                 – Does not involve coordinating a team
      more effective projects for your community,
      church, or professional group. Your project, in          A 2020 Growth Goal
                                                               If you want to launch an improvement idea

                                                               and need help, consider doing a HPL Build
                                                               your leadership talents all while either
                                                               supporting District 7 Toastmasters or your
                                                               community.  And when you do, earn your High

                                                               Performance Leadership certificate.

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