Page 33 - voices-2021-08
P. 33

look for it.                                           my friends and family. I allowed myself to see
          Fellow Toastmasters and honored guests. I  different possibilities for my future rather than

      will never say the pandemic was a blessing in  feeling bound by societal obligations which may
      disguise. In some ways it forced us to slow down  not even fit me as a person.
      and focus on what was important to us. It took a           We have the capacity to develop our talents,

      pandemic to halt us in our tracks and allow us to  skills, and abilities to their fullest potential. What
      reevaluate our lives. Something is wrong with an  is the terrifying part? To move away from the
      employment system that doesn’t allow for much  belief that we should follow society’s norms. Are
      free time. That doesn’t allow family planning and  careers or livelihoods acceptable when those
      personal growth beyond parameters related to  precepts are all we’ve known for many years? Yes,

      one’s career path. Those who chose to become  there are times when I still feel pangs of guilt for
      Toastmasters found opportunities for growth and  wanting to work on something that gives me joy.
      self-improvement. We learned to become better  I know those thoughts are counterproductive.

      leaders, entrepreneurs, and businesspeople. We  Projects that bring me the most satisfaction often
      enrich our community through our collective  provide me the greatest rewards. I invite you to
      experiences. We have utilized those special  discover your own process for exploration and
      talents that each of us own. We don’t blindly  self-discovery. It’s more than likely that you’ll
      believe that what we’re told would be more  find an overabundance of joy in your own back

      beneficial to society. For myself, that was the  yard. Treasure it. It may be what leads you to
      main reason I learned to count my blessings. I  your greatest adventure.
      recognized that I had an overabundance of joy

      all around me. I have great support systems in

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2021         33
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