Page 37 - Voices-2021-05
P. 37

reaches that age.” Now that you have built up
      momentum, it is time to unveil your speech

      title. Speech titles are important and require
      thought. Make them creative but not too
      crazy. End with the speaker’s name.

         “Our next speaker believes everyone can
      train to run a marathon after the age of 60.
      She plans to begin her training as soon as
      she reaches that age. With her speech titled,
      Chasing Your Dreams, please join me in

      welcoming Distinguished Toastmaster Jane
         Read it out loud before you pass it along

      to the Toastmaster. Make sure it has the tone  speech where the audience participates in
      and information you want your audience to  giving feedback? Are there handouts?
      hear.                                                      Practice the introduction several times
                                                             with vocal variety, pauses, and tone that
      When you are the Toastmaster                           sets the stage for the speaker. Print it out in

         It is your job to read the introduction, not  a large font to make it easy to read.
      to write it. In a perfect world, the speaker has
      provided you with their introduction either

      in your club meeting portal or via email a                 A well-written introduction sets a
      couple days before the meeting..                       positive tone for your speech. Poorly written
         Don’t wait until the last minute to read  introductions inspire the audience to look
      the introduction. It may need grammatical  at the agenda and see who is coming up
      corrections. You may need to confirm  next. You work hard to write and deliver an

      pronunciations with the speaker. Ask if there  entertaining speech. Work just as hard on
      are any special considerations. Will there  your introduction. And remember, it’s all
      be a Round Robin Evaluation following the  about YOU!

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