Page 43 - November 2020 Voices
P. 43
meets it head on and licks it, or he Toastmasters in July 2019 at the change of the
turns his back on it and starts to education program referred to as the legacy
wither away.” program was a real and wild time in our
Is this not where we all are today? organization’s history. Pathways—the concept
We have two choices—to meet it and being an online program of interactive videos
thrash it or just turn away and dry up and individual study—was novel. Yet sitting back
becoming a mere reflection of what life several months later (and in actuality I enrolled
is. We can apply the same principle to our in Pathways in September 2018) and working on
Toastmasters experience this year. my fourth path, I believe Toastmasters made the
The bold print headline in a recent prophetic decision for the 2020 Covid-19 world
issue of The Oregonian proclaimed the without dreaming of the disruption caused by
demise of the Portland Kiwanis Club. the pandemic worldwide. Sure, I admit there are
Already on wobbly legs, the club was still areas that could use a little tweak or further
closing its doors for good. Ceasing to making it more user friendly, but we would have
exist with no last rites, no grieving had nothing to fall back on.
mourners, and no grave or memorial Why are we surviving as an organization and
to visit in the future. Yes, Covid-19 a valuable asset in 2020? We learned to adjust, to
was the cause, but that was not all. It experiment and to adapt to new technology. Here
ceased to meet the needs of a changing are a few examples that I believe have enabled
world. I have been a Kiwanian in me, and I would assume you, to continue your
several communities through the years and membership and personal growth.
was astounded at what I read. As a community We continue to meet-whether our Club is
service organization, it had grown too insular, weekly, bi-weekly, or once a month in spite of
too involved with itself that it could not adjust, 90% of our venues closing. How? We now meet
seek solutions, and alternate delivery methods, online! I was introduced to the concept of a new
and thrive. You and I belong to an organization technology of meeting remotely in the 1994 Los
that has taken the opposite tack-yes, I am talking Angeles Earthquake. I was able to participate in
about Toastmasters International! a daily briefing with the Governor of California
The wailing and gnashing of teeth by some and other state agencies by sitting in a room