Page 41 - November 2020 Voices
P. 41


                          Tackling the Happiness Gap!

                                          B. Lee Coyne, ATMS

         Thanksgiving connotes gratitude. But being  to please a multitude of tastebuds in various
     grateful for what?                                      cultures.
         My interpretation of that question is that             Music tastes also diverge. Some prefer rock ‘n’
     we utter thanks for narrowing our very own  roll while others veer toward the classical. There

     Happiness Gap. That quintessential pursuit of  are fans of jazz. Others will dig folk. Some may
     happiness is, on close examination, truly a highly  even pick none of the above.
     individualistic search.                                    Vacations offer variety as well. It’s beaches
         There’s an old saying that “one man’s bread is  or mountains or meandering museums. Some

     another man’s poison.”  Taken at face value, that  are urban oriented while others go toward quiet
     suggests that human goals vary a lot. All men  rural back road drives. Still others don’t mind
     may be born equal but like the tree we witness,  wilderness camping.
     we branch out differently.                                 Love is often a star attraction yet factual

         Happiness happens to mean more than  tactual preferences differ with the couple. Some
     a mere escape from misery. It hints at the  caresses are messes yet others are blessed. All of
     acquisition of some measure of joy.  And just  which makes real the line that says “different
     what constitutes joy is predicated on the panoply  strokes for different folks.” HAPPINESS has no

     of our life experiences.                                solitary meaning.
         Food can bring us some contentment. Yet                Like beauty, it is in the mind of the beholder.
     life serves us a salad bar variety. Recipes differ  Are you happy you’ve learned that truth??

                         Happy Thanksgiving

                                                                               VOICES! | NOVEMBER 2020          41
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