Page 17 - May 2020
P. 17

Toastmasters and Unemployment

 Eldred Brown, DTM - Club Growth Director

             as stiff, but that I instead have the sense            way to network. Toastmasters has even

             of humor to make working with me a                     devoted a path on the Pathways program
             pleasant experience.                                   to networking. I’m working that Strategic
          •  I’ve also learned how to use the job                   Relationships path and recently earned
             interview as a way to market Toastmasters              Level 3 on that path en route to a Pathways

             and how it prepares me for success on                  DTM. Not only does Toastmasters give
             the job. Some of the lessons I’ve learned              you a great opportunity to network with
             in Toastmasters and some of the ways                   other professionals; Toastmasters will even
             I’ve exercised good leadership skills as               teach you how.

             a district leader have impressed hiring             I’m sure by now you’re probably asking
             managers and software teams enough to  whether you can afford to pay for these benefits.
             make them want to hire me. The titles  Think about this: How much is $45 every six
             “Distinguished Toastmaster” and “Club  months, really? That’s only $7.50 per month.

             Growth Director” do look good on a  Let’s say you buy a $5.00 Annihilator every day
             resume, as well. Who knows? It’s even  at Dutch Brothers. All you need to do is cut out
             possible that my interviewer may be a  one of those cups of coffee each week and you’ll
             Toastmaster and, knowing of my success  save more than enough money to pay for your

             in Toastmasters, will want me on his team  Toastmasters membership. You can’t afford to be
             even more.                                      in Toastmasters while unemployed? I can’t afford
          •  Networking is the best way to find career  to NOT be in Toastmasters while unemployed.
             opportunities, and Toastmasters is a great

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2020        17
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