Page 13 - May 2020
P. 13

Lorri) and Area Directors; Club Presidents and
      Vice Presidents of Education; other volunteers

      including Tamsen Corbin (Timer); and to my
      fellow Trio members PJ and Eldred. An event
      of this magnitude doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
      We ran the business meeting and had fun in the         has stood the times even with the current

      process! I received many feedback notes from           environment, we continue to thrive!  May the
      attendees saying they learned a lot and now            momentum continue and accelerate!
      wanted to get involved at the District level. We          What about that box full of buttons?  We were
      need Area Directors—please contact PJ Kleffner,        supposed to give them out at our celebration.

      District Director-Elect directly.                      Well, with the Stay at Home order, the buttons
                                                             stay at home. Once we are freed up a bit more,
      Where are we heading from here?                        we can get out the sanitizer, put on the rubber
          I am so proud of what our Division and Area        gloves, don our masks, and share them!

      Directors have done this year. They have taken            My love to all of you! You’ve done the District
      an unprecedented event and made changes with           proud! I soon leave my post and know that you
      how we do business. The online meetings are            will be in good hands!  Thank you so much for
      going well. However, the work is not yet done.         changing my life in so many good ways. Thank

      We have 6 weeks to get new clubs chartered.            you all for making new friendships that will last
      We have six weeks for our Coaches to get those         a life time. It will be great to be able to speak and
      Clubs Distinguished. Yes, and six weeks to finish      be in contests down the road. I will have fond
      strong by having Open Houses and sharing the           memories for years to come!  You all made it

      benefits of Toastmasters.                              possible.
          I have a box full of buttons to celebrate             Wait a minute….didn’t I say we still have six
      the 80th anniversary. 80 years, many lives             more weeks? I guess you are not quite done
      touched, transformed and elevated! Our District        with me. Let’s finish strong!  Back to you, fellow

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2020        13
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