Page 12 - May 2020
P. 12


      Reflections on a Great Year
      Six Weeks

      Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director

       There are less than six weeks before my term  answer questions as to why they wanted to run
       ends as District 7 Director. I have mixed feelings.  for their position. It was inspiring to see table

       I have been on the  District Director rollercoaster  topics questions being addressed so concisely
       with all of the demands and with all of the  and with confidence. Watching each candidate
       feelings of accomplishment. There were visions  give personal statements with conviction was
       of becoming a Distinguished District and going  heartfelt. Hearing their visions and hopes made

       to Paris. Then there was the fear of losing clubs  me even more optimistic about the future of
       because of the pandemic, and the challenge of  our District.
       adopting the Zoom Meeting platform!
          I am buoyantly happy that as a District  Online Business Meeting

       we made big strides and made things happen                I have said it many times—it takes a village
       despite COVID-19. I am so proud of all of you  of Toastmasters to raise a Toastmaster. Well,
       for stepping out, stepping forward, and stepping  it took a village of District 7 Toastmasters to
       in front of your screens to make it all happen!       make the Business Meeting happen on May

                                                             9, 2020. My thanks and gratitude to everyone
       Online Candidates Forum                               with special mention to the following: Past

          We have successfully navigated online,  International President Gary Schmidt who
       unchartered waters! Consider the successful  gave an inspirational opening; Parliamentarian

       Candidates Forum—the first of its kind in our  David Shehorn; Realignment Chair Phyllis
       District!  I am so happy and PROUD that we  Harmon and committee members; members
       made it happen!                                       of the DLC committee; members of the
          A huge thank you to our District Leadership  Audit Committee; Finance Manager Karen

       Committee Chair Adele O’Neal and our 11  Semprevivo; Administration Manager Paul
       Candidates, now duly elected members of the  Fanning; Public Relations Manager Kathleen
       2020-2021 Leadership Team. I found myself  Tully; Division Directors (Michelle, Abraham,
       teary-eyed while listening to our new leaders  Debbie, Dawnette, Carmil, Hillarie, Patrick and

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