Page 25 - September 2019
P. 25

Are you listening

        to me, Charlie

          Brown?           ???

                                                                                        The most important
          Let the other person finish—Do not interrupt          thing in communication is hearing what isn’t
      other people when they are talking. Look for              said.—Peter Drucker

      a pause indicating they are finished and are
      expecting you to respond. Be careful not to                Indicate you are listening—Nod your head, say
      respond too quickly as the pause may be a pause  “yes” when the speaker is providing points, stop
      to catch their breath.                                the speaker and ask them to expand on a point

                                                            if it’s unclear.
          Be present in the moment—Don’t be thinking
      about your own thoughts, solutions, agendas,              LISTEN and SILENT are spelled with the same
      and intentions to influence while the other               letters. Think about it—The Mind Unleashed

      person is talking. Don’t be thinking about what
      you are going to say, or how you are going to            A good leader speaks from his/her heart, not
      respond while you are listening to them.              from their mind. The same is true for listening.
          Be visually attentive—Don’t be looking at  A good leader listens from his/her heart, not

      your computer, phone, papers, or around the  from their mind. Use your mind to formulate an
      room when the other person is talking. They  intelligent and sincere response.
      need to see you giving your undivided attention.         Jim (Jimmy) Dent joined Toastmasters in April 2010.
          Listen to understand the idea—Do not listen  He is a member of two online clubs, and 4 regular clubs.

      just to the facts, listen to understand the central  He has also served as Area Governor 3 times and
      idea or central theme. Ask probing questions  several other district roles. He has earned his DTM
      to better understand the central idea or central  twice and expects to earn his Pathways DTM in the
      theme. The speaker may not be articulating  next 6 months.

      the idea clearly at first. Ask questions to ensure
      you truly understand what the speaker’s idea
      or issue is. “If I understand you correctly, your
      concern is. . . ”

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2019      25
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