Page 13 - September 2019
P. 13
They were new members originally all going While growing up, my dad had said I was tone-
through the process that Toastmasters created deaf. That never stopped me from singing.
to help them grow. Now look at them. They are Singing makes me happy. The wonderful thing
international leaders! about the Sing-Along, it meets you where you are.
It’s Toastmasters, after all. Part of my wanting to
Parade of Flags sing is to encourage everyone who is afraid of
One of the highlights of convention was the singing. When you hear me sing, you can’t help
Parade of Flags. We District Directors were asked but say “If she can sing like that and not be afraid
to carry the flag of our choice. We were given to bungle it up, then I can do it, too.”
three choices. I carried the flag of the US Virgin
Islands. We rehearsed for over two hours. Who World Championship of Public Speaking
knew that carrying a flag would take that long to I always enjoyed this event because my track
practice! For a brief moment I was a Toastmaster in Toastmasters has been the Leadership Track.
runway model. It was nerve-wracking but fun! For the past 4-1/2 years, I could not compete
While practicing, I got to know two districts in our contests because I’ve been in District
directors. We took pictures and talked about leadership. Watching this event unfold makes
our districts and experiences. The beauty of this me wonder how my life would be if the contest
event is the friendships you accidentally make bug bit me from the start. Hmmm…. Well, there
by being thrown into these situations. is something to think about and look forward to.
Next year, the International Convention will
Sing-Along be in Paris. Oui!
Another highlight was the Sing-Along hosted
by Ted Corcoran, Past International President.