Page 10 - September 2019
P. 10


      suited for but excelled at. The tone of the question  in other organizations and my profession, but

      is whether I’m ready to hang up my boots. I still  Toastmasters was outside of my comfort zone
      have more “career” to go. I haven’t heard the fat  at first. Here’s what I would recommend:
      lady sing yet, and the hook to remove me from             1.  Begin with your club meeting roles.
      the stage hasn’t appeared.                                    Practice for them, read about them, look

                                                                    at the resources both written and online
      Advice to Those Who Want                                      for them and then learn by doing.
      to Lead                                                   2.  Look at the needs of your club. Does it have

          My advice? “LEAD, FOLLOW                                  a sergeant-at-arms? Is there a vacant role

      or . . . LEAD”! Leadership in                                 or one soon to be vacated? Be bold, step
      Toastmasters is a multifaceted                                forward and say “YES”. We’ll help you learn
      adventure and learning                                        your role through Toastmasters Leadership
      experience. There are so                                          Institute this November or club

      many layers of leadership                                           make-up training to be announced
      within our organization                                              in your area and division.
      that anyone who aspires                                                   3.  Looking for a greater and
      to lead should and can do                                             rewarding challenge in service

      so. As with all things in                                         to others? Perhaps the area director
      Toastmasters, we want you                                       role—someone who is the friend to four
      to succeed.                                                  or more clubs and will help with program
          To grow, develop and be                                 resources and tools for club success. Or

      comfortable with  your leadership skills. It’s as          perhaps a division or district role. The truth
      if there is a big poster of a Toastmaster standing         is that it takes an “army” behind the “army” of
      there pointing his (or her) finger at you saying           area and division leaders in many committee
      “I NEED YOU” ala the old WWI recruiting                    and support team roles that you may have

      posters. Learning to be a leader may simply                never heard of.
      begin in your weekly club meeting in the Timer            4.  How about becoming a Club Coach, Club
      or Grammarian role until you feel confident                   Mentor, or Sponsor? If you feel you are
      and comfortable enough to be Toastmaster.                     ready, that you are a leader among leaders,

      Perhaps then you can see the need for well-                   maybe these are roles you might want to
      trained and dynamic club officers. Other roles                fill during this or the next program year.
      for area, division and district (and even beyond           Bottom line? LEAD by doing, FOLLOW to
      to International) begin with a single step. I  prepare yourself, and LEAD for a rewarding,

      didn’t sit in my Toastmasters club meeting in  rich and positive membership experience. I wish
      2009 as Timer and say “I want to be director”.  you all success and will see you as the leaders of
      Instead I took “baby steps,” and two clubs later  this District’s future and that of the Toastmasters
      took on a club officer role. I had been a leader  program.

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