Page 27 - August 2019
P. 27

Badgering 101

          Badge Frequently & Often                           most members don’t even know this opportunity
              This is called “Badgering” and is perfectly    exists). If they notice your Badgering of them
          acceptable (unlike doing the same to someone       (some people can be so clueless to your interest in

          who refers to you as a “Stalker”). Badgering       them) and happen to say thank you—revel in it—
          repeatedly is up to your discretion. Some may      even if it is 6 months to 3 years after you initially
          find it charming while others might feel the       Badgered them. (I’m still waiting for several people
          effectiveness of a one-time Badgering is better    to notice my Badgering—or maybe that’s why I

          than repeatedly Badgering a member. Some           haven’t seen them around lately, hmmm.)
          members have been known to curl up in a ball and
          mumble incoherently after repeated badgering       Badge Everyone!
          sessions , often confused with “critical feedback”.    With three caveats—they need to be in the

          Other members love the recognition of multiple     same club as you, are logged into that club at the
          Badgerings. To quote Sally Field: “You like me,    time you decide to Badger them, and that they
          you really like me!”                               don’t have a restraining order against you.
                                                                 At this time you can only Badger those in
          Say Thank You for Badges                           the same club as you. If you are unable to find

              This is completely appropriate and suggested   them by searching for their name in the Base
          the first time you discover that you have been     Camp search box, there might be 3 reasons:
          Badgered. Past that, saying thank you repeatedly   They are a member of multiple clubs and are

          dilutes the effectiveness and makes you sound      currently logged into their other (more favorite)
          obsequious, needy, or possessed of poor short-     club; they might not have started Pathways yet
          term memory retention.                             (a good reason to badger them to get started in
                                                             the real world); or, they are trying to avoid you,
          Don’t Expect Thank Yous for Badges                 have changed their name, and/or entered witness
          You Give                                           protection (you should be expecting a cease and

              The system does not let members know they      desist letter forthwith).
          have been Badgered. There is no notification

          (hmm, maybe a cute little Badger could pop         Badge Posture
          up on the Base Camp window as an indicator).           Be sure to Badger club members while holding
          The only way a member knows they have been         your pinky aloft (much as the English do when
          Badgered is that they log in and happen to click   drinking tea). This is the best posture and provides

          on their Badges to view the new ones (there        the most satisfaction per Badgering.
          are better chances of winning the lottery since

                                                                                   VOICES! |AUGUST 2019      27
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