Page 32 - May 2019 Voices
P. 32


      It’s Your Journey

      Donna Stark, DTM

      Immediate Past District Director

          The pair of guests walked in the door
      together, and it didn’t take me long to realize

      that only one of them was there by choice. I
      recognized the “Please beam me up, Scotty!”
      look of someone wishing they could be anywhere
      else. To be honest, if my boss had taken me to a

      Toastmasters meeting and told everyone there
      that I needed to improve my public speaking
      skills, I’d be wanting Scotty to beam me up, too!
          It appeared to be a challenge for the guest

      to share her name during self-introductions.   planner shared that the most frequent question
      I wasn’t surprised when she declined an  she hears from clients is, “What do other people
      opportunity to participate in Table Topics.   do?” She responds, “It doesn’t matter what others
      There’s something to be said for experiencing  do. . .what do you need?”

      new things that take us out of our comfort zone.           Whether planning for retirement or planning
      Our comfort zone isn’t where growth happens.   one’s progress through the Toastmasters
      But beyond the growth zone is the panic zone.   program, everyone’s journey is unique. We
      Growth doesn’t happen there, either—and this  choose different paths, have different goals, and

      is where our guest clearly was.                        follow different timelines.
          Our speakers that day were two of our more             One of the things I appreciate about my
      experienced members. After the meeting the  club is we’re committed to providing a safe and
      guest commented, “I don’t think I could ever  supportive environment. I think our club would

      be that good.”  I suppose it is human nature to  be a very good fit for this guest. Toastmasters
      compare ourselves to Photo35+38Blen but it’s not  is often referred to as a safe place to fail. I like
      particularly productive. . .especially when that  that! Failure is nothing more than a learning
      comparison is to someone with more experience.   opportunity to learn and grow.

      Let’s compare ourselves to our previous selves             I hope our guest comes back and lets us
      and recognize our own improvement!                     provide a safe and supportive environment to
          I went to a financial session geared  achieve her goals, at her pace, and to discover
      toward planning for retirement. The financial  the leader and speaker she can be.

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