Page 35 - May 2019 Voices
P. 35
club grow-up, to mature and be the best that it can
be, and that is simply develop your club success a document you can
plan. Don’t give me that look. No cringing allowed! review monthly, assess
Look at it this way. We know that we need to your progress, change
hold club officer elections in May in order to have plans accordingly
ready by June that “shadowing” of the out-going a n d / o r
year’s officers by the new 2019-20 program year celebrate
(or 2019 if you elect your officers semi-annually) s ucce s s
officers. The next step would be to sit down in your as a club.
club executive committee meeting in July and Personally, I like
begin the process of setting your club’s goals and this “tool” that I
direction for the new year. Simple, right? can use to help
Ah-I can hear the Greek chorus of “oh that’s a clubs mature and grow,
25-page document that takes months to complete” become quality and distinguished
resounding in the air. Don’t despair-don’t quit-and clubs as well as providing that positive membership
especially don’t not plan! We have a solution for experience for each of your club members. Call,
you and your club that you will love to hear and text or email your area director for a copy of this
jump with joy! Think “happy thoughts”. vital and progressive document today.
Sent to all the division directors of District 7 was My light bulb hasn’t dimmed. If I could turn
an easily read and filled out one-page document back the clock to that fateful day in the spring of
that your club can use as a tool to help you think 1979, I would answer that young man’s question
about the coming year and set some goals, establish with a smile on my face, saying “what do I want to
directions and assign responsibility. Yes, you read be when I grow up? The best person I can hope to be
that right-a one-page document! This is the District with a servant’s heart towards others and a desire to
7 Club Success Plan and DCP Tracking Sheet. Your be true to myself with my head-held high.” Have I
area director (who should have or will be visiting “grown up?” I’m headed in the right direction with
your club this month) will have a copy of this for Toastmasters as my vehicle and toolkit to assist
you. It doesn’t replace the Item #1111 Distinguished with my maturity. Thus, my question to you and
Club Program and Club Success Plan Workbook, your club would be, “what do you want to be when
and don’t forget that there is also the assessment you grow up?”
tool Item #290 Moments of Truth that your club
should use, but the new one-page sheet is merely
VOICES! | MAY 2019 35