Page 21 - 2019 April
P. 21


 (A Shameless Plug)
 Feedbackers NEEDS

 More Members

 James Wantz, DTM

 “Were you ready to give this speech today?   that focuses on the intricacies of feedback,   “Yes you are, let me help you
 I don’t think you rehearsed enough before   evaluation, and feedback (yes, I know I   pat yourself on the back.”

 you came to the meeting. In order to not   repeated myself—you look in the Thesaurus   “And after your evaluation, I
 sound unprepared, you must rehearse.”  for another word for feedback. . . and I   shall return the favor.”
 That was from an evaluation I gave   needed a series of three words to make   Okay, not really. But so many
 years ago. The speaker agreed with me that   my point sticky!) The repetition is valid.   of us know each other so well that   Feedbackers

 they were not prepared. They had a big   Feedbackers gives each speaker four   we could evaluate each others
 presentation coming up, and I gave them   evaluations —whether they want them or   speeches with our ears plugged   wants YOU!
 numerous pointers on how to improve the   not! (That’s how we roll!)  and probably get it about right.
 speech. They loved my evaluation, took   Four evaluations allows for a deeper   We NEED new blood (uh, no,

 plenty of notes, and talked with me after   dive into the structure, content, physicality,   we aren’t vampires. . . well, Cleon
 the meeting. I was elated that I could be   vocalizations, or humor of the speech.   might be). We need to stir things up. Every
 such a help!  Speakers are also encouraged to ask for   club needs new blood—the new members   like to teach others, come to Feedbackers
 However, there was a problem. There   feedback in the specific areas they want.   reinvigorate the club for the rest of the group.   and help us learn! If you think focusing on

 were two visitors and one new member in   And yes, full disclosure, I am a member of   New members bring energy, nerves, and   feedback might make you so nervous you
 the room. They never came back. Our VP   Feedbackers.  cupcakes! (Well, maybe not the cupcakes.   have a breakdown—don’t fret, Feedbackers
 of Membership contacted each of them and    I am writing this article for two reasons:   Not always.) I find I learn the most when I   meets at St. Vincent Medical Center, so help
 asked how they liked the meeting. They   I believe in the power of feedback to make   am helping a new member because they ask   is close at hand!

 were very complimentary about the club   or break a club, and we need members! The   questions and challenge the conventional   Come visit us, come learn from us,
 and enjoyed the visit. When pressed about   fact that this article is being published in late   wisdom with one word: “Why?”  come teach us, but please come! Do I sound
 coming back, they said, “I don’t think I could   April would tend to make the second reason   If you are worried that the feedback you   desperate? I am. The VP of Membership
 deal with an evaluation like what James gave.   appear to be the most important.  give isn’t as good as you want it to be, or that   told me he was going to take away my

 I’m just not ready.”  Well, yes. It is. We need new blood in the   you wish you knew other techniques besides   birthday this year if we didn’t get more
 So. . . my evaluation technique drove them   club. We need people that want to learn how   ‘the sandwich method’ to give evaluations,   members. Please save my birthday - come
 away. I forgot that I wasn’t only evaluating   to give better evaluations. A recent meeting   then Feedbackers is the fit for you. If you   to Feedbackers!
 the speaker, but I was speaking to everyone   of ours went something like this:  don’t have anything to do on the second

 in the room. I realized I needed to be better   “Oh, that was a wonderful evaluation!”  Wednesday of each month, then Feedbackers
 at feedback, so I joined Feedbackers.  “Yes, it was, wasn’t it? I’ve been doing this   is a great place to do something. If you are
 Feedbackers is a monthly niche club   for so long I’m abnormally good at it.”  the world’s greatest evaluator and would

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