Page 9 - 2018 January Voices
P. 9


       Got Goals?

       by Donna Stark, DTM—District Director

         It was the first Thursday of January and the  you haven’t at least checked out the Pathways
      room was packed. Becky, our VP Membership,  program, I hope you will soon.
      walked in and exclaimed, “Wow. . . It’s like a gym         My goals for 2018 include more sleep and
      after New Years!”                                      less coffee. More speeches and fewer sentences
         January is synonymous with resolutions,  started with “so.” Completion of an advanced
      goals, and new beginnings—even if we are  manual, a High Performance Leadership Project,
      halfway through the Toastmasters year. In the  and Level 1 of the Effective Coaching Path. I’d
      context of the calendar year AND the Toastmaster  love to hear about your goals. We can encourage
      year, January is a good time to reflect on the  each other!
      past and to plan for the future. To analyze those          I wish you a happy and successful 2018 and
      lessons learned from what has gone well, and  beyond. Mae West has been quoted as saying, “I
      maybe more importantly what hasn’t gone well,  didn’t say it would be easy, I only said it would
      and to chart your course forward.                      be worth it.”  Just sayin’.
         From a club goals perspective, this is a
      great time to dust off the Club Success
      Plan you prepared in July, check your
      progress, and adjust as necessary. If
      increasing membership is a goal (as it is
      for most clubs!), reach out to those who
      resolved to improve their Leadership
      and Communication skills. We know
      the power of the Toastmasters program.
      Consider holding a club Open House
      and share what Toastmasters offers.
      And if your club hasn’t prepared a
      Club Success Plan, it’s not too late.
      Download the file from the Toastmasters
      International website!
         What about your growth?  Why did
      you join Toastmasters?  Have you set
      goals for yourself?  Develop your own
      Success Plan of your own!  And let’s
      not forget about New Beginnings. If

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 7 JANUARY, 2018                                                                           9
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