Page 14 - 2018 January Voices
P. 14
A Club with Purpose
by Charley Patton, DTM
Region 2 Advisor
During dinner last December, Charley asked “What is your club’s purpose?” We were quick
to share the Toastmasters Club Mission statement. He stopped us mid-recitation with a
clarifying question, “Why does your club exist?” Here is Charley’s definition. At the end of the article, ask
yourself the same question. The answer may surprise you.
A Club with Purpose or How to Sell Your mission elements direct our actions, giving us
Club to Attract Visitors So They Join palpable intent in every meeting. Have you ever
thought about why your club exists, what specific
Every time I visit a district, I hear encouraging benefit it provides to your community?
stories of club building success and sad stories
of club failures. Some clubs seem to charge
ahead with a vigor that many of us crave to see One thing I’ve noticed
in our own clubs, while other clubs, sometimes
prestigious clubs, falter and fade away. One thing about the vigorous clubs is
I’ve noticed about the vigorous clubs is they
operate from a strong center of purpose. That they operate from a strong
is, while all our clubs share the same mission as
provided by World Headquarters, vigorous clubs center of purpose.
use that provided mission as a launching point
for their greater purpose.
The Purpose is Why Promote Your Purpose
All our clubs exist to provide a supportive and When you know your club’s purpose, you have a
positive learning experience for our members. powerful promotional tool. Tell potential visitors
Our mission to help our club members develop what your club is about, tell them why you joined
communication and leadership skills directs our and how being in the club has helped you. Your
actions—we work the education program, we personal story, combined with the club’s ability
mentor each other, we join the leadership ranks. to address your prospective member’s specific
The mission of any organization is important needs, is the gateway to your visitor realizing
because it focuses our energies in a particular a great opportunity for their personal growth
direction, focuses us on what we should be when they do join.
doing, and, just as importantly, keeps us from Define your purpose
being distracted by activities that don’t further
our mission. Without this “why”, we wander and Refine your mission
get lost. That’s how even prestigious clubs can
go away. Shine as a vigorous club!
Why Does Your Club Exist? Charley Patton joined Toastmasters in December 2006.
He is a member of two clubs, Spectrum Speakers and
Stellar clubs don’t stop with the standard mission. Past District Governors/Directors 407. He has served
They understand that they fill a particular in all club and district roles. Charley serves at the
niche that sharpens their focus even more. My region level by delivering educational presentations
home club, at my workplace, was created with and keynote addresses throughout Region 10, and
the specific purpose of helping the employees serving as the 2017-2018 Region 2 Advisor.
develop their careers. One of my other clubs
exists to support district leaders achieve their Charley says he is a life-long learner. That’s one reason
goals during their terms of office. These “extra” he’s so attracted to Toastmasters.