Page 8 - 2018 January Voices
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video demonstration of effective and ineffective Toastmasters across the globe who embrace
body language in a speech. Pathways and want to learn more.
What I absolutely loved was how the video There are several reasons why I love
was done. Ever wonder what Viola Davis or Meryl Pathways. It’a a learning experience tailored
Streep would look like if they tried to act poorly? to my personal and professional goals, uses new
Both Davis and Streep are accomplished, award technological resources to improve speeches and
winning actors. What if they did a video for support meeting roles, provdes online access to
Toastmasters about ineffective body language? a lot of educational material along with videos
Well. . . they didn’t, but the speaker in the video that model the skills to learn.
is clearly comfortable and effective with her use Base Camp makes the educational process
of body language. But she has to act as if she isn’t more efficient guiding you step by step through
before she can show you how good a speaker she your journey
is. It is wonderful to watch her. and provides a
Now maybe you don’t agree with the golden lot of learning
nuggets I’ve found, but that is the beauty of opportunities
Pathways—there is something in there for along the way.
everyone! We are at the beginning, in unfamiliar The projects
territory (the undiscovered country if you are a are very well
Shakespeare or Star Trek fan), and we get to find structured,
the golden nuggets of our own in the process of current and relevant to member’s needs.
walking our unique Path. Pathways combines the best of both worlds
Just as much as the United States was never – Traditional and the new educational program.
the same after the Revolution, Toastmasters will Having worked the traditional educational
not be the same after the final rollout of Pathways program and the new program, I am amazed
in about 2 years. Be on the side of the colonies at how much thinking was put in place to roll
(Pathways) and put your red coat behind you out Pathways.
(Traditional). Start your Path and find your own I loved the Dynamic Leadership path. All the
nuggets in this time of change. Vive la Pathways! projects focused on understanding the leader-
Get onboard and embrace Pathways. It is a great ship and communication styles, the effect of
learning opportunity for everyone at all levels. conflict on a group, and the skills needed to
It has taken all the benefits of the traditional defuse and direct conflict. I loved all the elec-
program and created a more robust educational tive projects as well as all the focused projects
program with an online component to bring that were included in the five levels of my path.
Toastmasters learning into the 21st Century. I encourage all clubs in District 7 to jump
No matter where you are in your Toastmasters on board and embrace Pathways. It is a great
journey—brand new or 20+ years experience, learning opportunity for everyone at all levels.
this program can only benefit you. It took all the benefits of the traditional program
Let us together move forward and start and created a more robust, educational program
learning through Pathways. with an online component to bring Toastmasters
Rozaline Janci, DTM: Endless Possibilities learning into the 21st century. No matter where
with Pathways you are in your Toastmasters journey—either
brand new or 20+ years experience, this program
I am so totally impressed with Pathways and can benefit you.
its digital transformation. Though it has not Let us together move forward and start
rolled out into my district yet, I wanted to get a learning through Pathways.
feel for what Pathways was all about. I read so James Wantz joined Toastmasters in 2008. He is a
much about it and listened to all the videos on member of 3 clubs. This year he serves as the District
the Toastmasters Internatonal website and could videographer, Pathways Guide and Academy webinar
not wait to jump right in. So I joined a club in facilitator, and Public Relations Manager.
District 7 to begin my journey. I was welcomed Rozaline joined Toastmasters in 2015 and is a
into District 7 and have thoroughly enjoyed member of 6 clubs. This year she is serving as Club
meeting new people and listening to various Growth Director in District 35. She has been a member
stories. I am amazed at the enthusiasm of fellow of Yaquina Toastmasters since October 2017.