Page 21 - September 2017 Voices
P. 21


      Get Everything You Can

      Out of Toastmasters

      by Leanna Lindquist, DTM, IPDD

          Does your work day focus on meeting  Visit Other Clubs
      deadlines, office politics, and keeping your               I think one of the
      head down out of fear of future layoffs? Does  best ways to enhance
      your current working situation prevent you  your experience is to visit another club. It will
      from developing leadership skills  —skills that  take you out of your comfort zone when you
      can set you apart from your co-workers? Skills  speak before a different audience. Receiving
      than can lead to a promotion or a better job?           evaluations from other than your club members
          That’s where Toastmasters can make the              can be insightful. Because every club is unique,
      difference. Clubs will joyfully give you the            you may find other ideas to bring back to your
      opportunity to spread your leadership wings.            club. You too have much to offer when you
      To practice and learn. To become confident              visit another club.
      in multiple leadership situations. All you have
      to do is ask.                                           Events
          Chairing a club contest or public relations            District 7 offers great training events twice
      campaign gives you the experience to lead  a year. Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)
      a small team. Serving as a club officer,  is the go-to event for club officer training, and
      completing officer training, performing your  it offers so much more. Our members share
      role, and doing your best will do more for  their expertise in breakout sessions. You have
      growing your leadership skills than any high  the opportunity to network with members
      priced leadership program ever will.                    from across the District. Our potluck lunches
          Only part of what you can get out of  are legendary. Best of all TLI is free.
      Toastmasters comes from your club. There is                The District puts on great conferences. A
      so much more if you take advantage of it.               keynote speaker, breakout sessions, food and

      Resources                                               contests make for a great day. You can register
          District 7 has the monthly magazine Voices!         for the 2017 Fall Conference here. You owe it
      This monthly flipbook style magazine is in it’s         to yourself to attend.
      4th year of publication. Every issue has news              Contests are one of the best ways to step
      about District events and practical information         out of your comfort zone. Compete in the
      from other members. Pick and choose what                International Speech, Evaluation, Table Topics
      is of value to you. Toastmasters Magazine               and Humorous Speech contests offered during
      comes to your mailbox monthly. You will find            the year. It’s worth entering a club contest at
      information to help improve your speaking               least once. You won’t know if you like it until
      skills and your club experience. Both magazines         you try it out. At the very least when you attend
      are archived on their respective websites.              contests you will experience different speaking
          The Toastmasters International website,             styles, learn what contests are all about, and, has a plethora of information.        meet new people.
      Click the Resources link for Videos, Podcasts,             Whether you joined to improve your
      and speaking tips. Click the Education link  speaking and leadership skills or to get over
      and check out Pathways, the new education  your fear of speaking, Toastmasters has a lot
      program. Our own District 7 website,  to offer. In addition to your club meetings,, is the go-to place for  utilize resources, events and other clubs to get
      District events, incentives, and to find District  everything you can out of Toastmasters.

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER, 2017                                                                       21
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