Page 16 - September 2017 Voices
P. 16

James Wantz, DTM

               District 7 Contest Champion

      Effective Stage Movement 101

      Have you watched a presenter that kept
      you enthralled and asked yourself, ‘How

      do they do that?’

      Do you want to move in the speaking area
      more effectively?

      Do you have problems deciding what to do

      with your feet while speaking?

      If you answered yes to any of those
      questions, then this workshop is for you.

      When                                                      About James Wantz

      October 11, 2017                                        With a background in theater and a
      7:00-8:00am                                         Toastmaster since 2008, James Wantz
                                                          has the skills to help speakers use the
                                                          speaking area more effectively.  He is a
     Where                                                member of New Horizons, Storymasters,

                                                          and Feedbackers. He took first in the
                                                          2016 D7 Evaluation Contest & the 2012

      Murray Hills Christian Church                       Table Topics Contest. In 2016, he was
      15050 SW Weir Road                                  recognized with the Herb Stude Award
      Beaverton, Oregon 97997                             for Educational Service by District
                                                          7 Toastmasters for his educational
                                                          contributions to district members.

                                          JOIN US - FREE EVENT

                                      hosted by Creeksde Toastmasters  •

           16                                                                 Volume 2 Issue 10 - APRIL 2016
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