Page 15 - September 2017 Voices
P. 15

PLAN C Club Officer Training in


      by Susan Elsworth, DTM - Guest Contributor

          There is nothing quite like a dream that slowly    PLAN C, I thought. Habib
      brews on a back burner, shows up on a main             had gotten approval from
      menu for clubs distant from each other and then        his District leadership
      slowly wafts its way into corporate consciousness      for me to conduct the training. I will bring
      because its ingredients have produced a tasty          up ZOOM, send out invitations and conduct
      Toastmasters dish. That’s PLAN C.                      training, I thought.
          PLAN C is a menu for can-do, creative                  Club officers had already read and knew the
      and committed “cooks” in clubs searching for           requirements for their respective roles. PLAN
                                                             C  quickly turned into an extended Table Topics
      alternative tools to familiar ingredients that         session. As a team, officers self-identified as
      mostly worked in the past.                             Sergeants at Arms, Secretaries, Treasurers and so
          In mid-September 2016, the Great White             on. My Table Topics questions had two purposes:
      North Online club chartered. Although I had            1) to ask, identify and acknowledge not only what
      marketed to members in Canada and the United                the officers already knew about their role

                                                                  and to test their thinking about which other
                                                                  officer(s) they had to work with most closely;
                                                                  2) to engage members who knew they could
                                                                  be called on at any moment. (I use the “ask-
                                                                  Table Topics style.)
                                                                      The next ingredient was a brief open
                                                                  discussion about how active officers might
                                                                  communicate in a timely way with other
                                                                  officers who were not seen as fulfilling
        Area 5K                                                   their committed responsibilities. We
        Club Officers                                             closed with another Table Topic session

                                                                  about acknowledgement of members
                                                             who contribute significantly to the club.  While
      States, Muhammad Habibul Islam (“Habib”), a
      Toastmaster from Bangladesh, had showed up             some people love to be acknowledged in front
                                                             of groups, others cringe when they are  praised
      and signed up.                                         that way. As a whole, the group learned the
          By spring of 2017, Habib had chartered             importance of discovering and using which style
      two traditional clubs, North/South University          of recognition that the member appreciates.
      Toastmasters and LEADS Toastmasters in                     PLAN C keeps cooking in many different
      Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Two dark blue        kettles. From time to time it is carried into
      SPONSORING CLUB ribbons arrived at my                  kitchens and countries I had never imagined.
      office. Little did I suspect that the back burner      The fragrance is fantastic.
      was about to become a bit warmer.                          Susan gave her first Icebreaker on May 14, 1981
          On August 23rd, Habib invited me to conduct        at the Washtenaw Toastmasters Club #3054 in Ann
      a Club Officer training for the eight Area K5  clubs   Arbor, Michigan. She earned her DTM in 1987. Susan
      in Bangladesh. The group was a mix of different  was one of the original poneers serving a Toastmasters
      club officers from eight different clubs, two in  International  pilot project for 100% online clubs. She
      Chittagong and six in Dhaka, which are about  is a charter member of Firebirds Collective and founder
      265 km (165 miles) from each other.                    of Great White North Online Toastmasters where she
          What an honor and an opportunity to use  serves as VP Public Relations.

      VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER, 2017                                                                       15
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