Page 22 - September 2017 Voices
P. 22

Pathways: Be an Early

                                     Adopter & Achiever

                                     by Cate Arnold, DTM

                                         For most of us,        1.  Go to, make sure you can
                                     change is work.               log in, and that your email address listed
                                     It’s uncomfortable            in your profile is the one you want to use.
                                     being in unfamiliar        2.  Read through The Navigator, and choose
                                     territory.  There are         your path
       many questions about how we do things in the             3.  Finish your Ice Breaker Project which
       new system versus what we did in the old.
          To get ahead of the curve for Pathways, I                includes the Ice Breaker speech
       joined a club in District 57, the first district to      4.  Sign up for your second speech.
       roll it out. What I like about the new Pathways           The Early Achiever award goes to members
       education program is that it provides much            who earn Level 1 in the first 6 months. Level 1
       more direction with online guidance to develop        has 3 projects with 4 speeches. Levels must be
       better speeches and communication skills,             signed off on the TI website by your Base Camp
       with more informative evaluations, and with a         Manager (BCM)—usually the VP Educaton. Don’t
       straight forward progression that recognizes our      wait until the last minute! Make sure that your
       accomplishments more frequently.
          What I’ve experienced is that club meetings        BCM knows you have marked your Level for
       feel the same: we still have speakers, table topics,   completion.
       evaluations—the same roles. What is different is          We are still formulating what the District
       the change to using paths and materials on the        awards will be, but the further you get through
       Toastmasters International (TI) website. What         Pathways, the more you will earn for yourself
       has helped me the most is being able to talk with     and for your club.
       people who are already using it. It is becoming           I hope you’ll take an early plunge into the
       familiar quickly and easily. Now I can help people    Pathways pool. You’ll learn and earn fast, and
       in District 7 as well.
          The best way for us to go from the                 have as much fun as I am by doing it together.
       uncomfortable to the new familiar is to embrace
       that old Nike slogan: Just Do It. Our district
       leaders are working to make that happen for
       us. We have created two new awards, the Early
       Adopter and the Early Achiever, that members
       can earn only for a limited time.The Early
       Adopteris available until Thanksgiving and
       the Early Achiever within the first 6 months of
       rollout. They also count towards a Triple Crown.
       If you earn both of them, you only have to earn
       one more award in either the old or new program
       to earn your pin this year.                               Cate Arnold joined Toastmasters in 2003. She
       There will be District recognition as well, starting   is a member of the blended club Toast of Richmond
       with the Top Adopter Club from each divi-             in District 57. She is also a member of Storymasters,
       sion, which will be awarded at the Fall District      Transtoasters, Liberty Toastmasters, and Silicon
       Conference. This will be awarded to the clubs
       that have the highest percentage of members           Forest in District 7. Cate is serving as club Treasurer
       earning the Early Adopter.                            for Silicon Forest and VPE for Storymasters. She is
          There are several steps to earn the Early          serving the District as Area 41 Director and as a
       Adopter award:                                        Pathways Guide.

         22                                                               VOLUME 4 ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER, 2017
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