Page 26 - Voices November 2016
P. 26


                                   The Journey from “No” to Program

                                   Quality Director – Donna Stark

                                   by Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL

        Donna says, “I didn’t seek out Toastmasters.  I       into all aspects of life.  I’m a better supervisor,
     wouldn’t have had the nerve.  A coworker wanted          coworker, and direct report at work because of the
     to start a new club and invited me to a demon-           confidence I have in my ability to communicate,
     stration meeting.                                                to facilitate meetings, and to give and
     With healthy doses                                               receive feedback.”
     of persuasion and                                                   “Scott Stevenson kept nagging (I
     peer pressure, she                                               mean, encouraging) me to complete the
     and other organizers                                             requirements for my DTM in time for the
     made it easier to                                                2010 Spring Conference.  He’s at it again,
     join than it would                                               and I imagine DTM #2 is in my future.”
     have been not to                                                    What Donna enjoys most about
     join, and I became a                                                                     Toastmasters is
     charter member of                                                                        seeing the growth
     Downtown Public                                                                          that happens within
     Speakers in Eugene.                                                                      individuals who
     I will be forever         L to R: Donna Stark, Craig                                     join.  “Watching a
     grateful that she         Valentine - 2016 Spring                                        new Toastie from
     didn’t take “no” for      Conference                                                     the time they
     an answer.                                                                               tentatively walk
        The club started meeting in the fall of                                               in as a guest, to
     2003, and we chartered in January, 2004.                                                 the point they are
     I guess that’s 13 years.  It was during Allan                                            confidently filling
     Edinger’s term as District Governor.”                                                    meeting roles and
        Downtown Public Speakers is Donna’s             L to R: Cathy French, Donna Stark, Leanna   mentoring other
                                                        Lindquist - Spring TLI 2016
     home club for the weekly program experi-                                                 new members, is
     ence.  She’s also a member of Competitive                                                to me the heart and
     Speakers PDX, making the 200-mile round                  soul of this program.  The power of Toastmasters
     trip on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month.            is in the success of the individual member.”
     She says, “I’ve held most club officer roles, with
     the exception of Treasurer.  I’ve been an Area
     Governor, Division Governor, Division Director,
     and am currently the District Program Quality                        “Most people miss
     Director. (PQD... I was trained that the emphasis
     is on the Q!)”                                                Opportunity because it is
        Out in the “real” world, one of the unexpected
     benefits is how Donna’s written communication                   dressed in overalls and
     has improved as a result of Toastmasters.  Emails,
     letters, and reports are much more concise and                        looks like work.”
     well-organized. “ I do a fair amount of writing
     in my job so this has been a welcome bonus.”                            Thomas A. Edison
        “One of the great things about Toastmasters
     is the confidence one gains, that carries over

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