Page 23 - Voices November 2016
P. 23

High pitched yells, mingled with the shrieks of        visualize that you are walking into your home town.
     women and children echoed through the canyon            Suddenly you discover that the high sounding ideals
      – panic stricken women ran into the river only         of Freedom and Equality have died.  They who loved
      to drown or be snatched and scalped alive.  My         you, now despise you refuse to serve you in your
      grandfather and two companions escaped with            local restaurant, or refuse to provide lodging in your
       that memory.  I can still see him shacking his        hotel – little do they care if you are another Broker
     fist and shouting the only good Indian is a dead        T. Washington, or a George Washington Carver.  So
                           Indian.                           remember, their feelings are just the same as ours.
           The incident is 75 years old.  Since that time our   When you break their hearts and their spirit their
    whole philosophy has changed.  It was evident today      grief is just as painful and their pride just as hurt.
    that the Indian was fighting for self-preservation             You can shoot a man at sunrise – burn him at
    and you cannot deny any man that right.  For that        the stake – torture him with hot irons –kill him – he’ll
    reason, and others, our feeling of prejudice toward      die but one death.  But subject that man to penal-
    the American Indian has vanished.  In only seventy       ties of prejudice and he’ll die a thousand deaths.
    five years our whole attitude has changed from                 America is a fabulous country.  We can’t
    hatred to one of Eulogy.                                 begin to describe the vastness and opulence of
           Will Rodgers was loved by all Americans.  He      our cities or the wealth of our people.  We boast
    was a sage, a statesman, a spokesman for the             of the magnitude of our factories and our uncon-
    common man a philosopher and an ambassador               querable military might.  Here we stand, the most
    of laughter.  He was that and more.  He was a            stupendous Democratic nation ever built.  We’re
    Cherokee Indian.  Will Rodgers and thousands of          still faced with the question.  “How to live together
    descendants of savagery like him have become             in common unity with freedom for all.”
    idols in American history and monuments have                   Tonight you have but one consideration – a
    been built to their commemoration.  There isn’t          consideration of your convictions regarding this
    one of you present tonight who wouldn’t accept           question of prejudice.  Consider carefully your atti-
    an Indian into this gathering.                           tude toward this prejudice problem and ask yourself
           But today, we are still trapped – trapped after   this one question, - “What is the basis of my stand
    20 centuries of Christian teaching and thousands         on this all important matter.”  I ask that you reach
    of years of development and progress; - yes, we are      deep in your hearts for the answer so that you can
    trapped by misunderstanding and misapprehen-             be sure - undeniably sure – that yours is a decision
    sion.  We have mastered many problems but we are         based upon the axioms of truth and honesty.  Then
    still confronted with prejudice.  So we continue to      and only then, can you be sure – undeniably sure –
    live in a world where man is neither free nor equal.     that yours is a decision based upon the axioms of
           Prejudice can become a vicious weapon.            truth and honesty.  Then and only then can you be
    When I was in the navy, my friends and I saw many        certain that seventy five years from tonight, your
    signs which were captioned – “Dogs and Sailors not       descendants will not have to lower their eyes in
    allowed.”  Those business men made it plain that         shame for your conduct, as we do today because
    the uniform was a mark of inferiority.  They took        of our past treatment of our first Americans.
    the liberty to strip the military man of his dignity as        Freedom and Equality are not words.  They
    an American – and a human-being.  It’s just another      are the scintillating gems that glitter and gleam in
    story of men who are neither free nor equal.             the crown of the Statue of Liberty.  Carry high your
           Prejudice enters into our lives in many ways.     torch so that the Fire of Freedom will light up every
    It creeps into our social life, our business dealings    corner where men are now “Neither Free Nor Equal.”
    – our search find a home and security.  In fact it
    affects the home life of everyone.  Every mother in
    this room this evening has at one time or another
    suffered when you child returned from school               There is nothing new in the world
    broken-hearted – because someone made a sly                except the history you do not know.
    remark which stripped your child of his pride.
           In this country there are people, who because
    of race or creed are the recipients of that same                                      Harry S Truman
    kind of treatment every day of their lives.  Just
    change the color of your skin for this moment and

       VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5  NOVEMBER, 2016                                                                      23
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