Page 22 - Voices November 2016
P. 22


                                    Tillamook Toastmasters Club

                                    # 420—Part One

                                    by Harvey Schowe, DTM

                                        Tillamook             Member Portland Toastmasters and District 7
                                    Toastmasters club         Governor; and Rube Weil, Member of Hillsboro
      members held their first meeting and mailed             Toastmasters Club and Past Area 1 Governor;
      their charter application to Toastmasters               Frank Maurey, Area 4 Governor. The
      International on September 6, 1946. The club            Toastmaster was last year’s contest winner L. E.
      chartered September 30, 1946.                           “Bing” Francis. Kathy Platz played organ music
      MEETING PROGRAM                                         during the interludes. Radio station KTIL staff
      A charter party was held the evening of Friday,         recorded the speeches.
      October 4, 1946. Members of                                                   Area 1 Toastmasters clubs
      Hillsboro Toastmasters Club                                               participating in contest were
      #158 attended. Club members                                               Timberline, Hillsboro, Neah-
      were active in promoting                                                  Kah-Nie and Tillamook. First
      Toastmasters during civic events.                                         place winner was Morris L.
      They helped Neah-Kah-Nie                                                  Schmidt, “Neither Free Nor
      Toastmasters club charter. Club                                           Equal”, Tillamook and second
      speeches were recorded using                                              place winner was Calvin Wilkins,
      wire recorders.  An April 1948                                            “The Release of the A bomb”,
      Toastmasters magazine article                                             Neah-Kah-Nie.
      mentioned club members                                                        Morris Schmidt competed
      participated in a radio spot                                              in the District 7 International
      under Chamber of Commerce                                                 Speech Contest held at Pilot
      sponsorship for Tillamook radio                                           Butte Inn, Bend Oregon on April
      station KTIL. During that year                                            9, 1949.  He won this contest and
      Francis Bing, a club member,                                              competed in the regional finals
      won the Area 1 speech contest.                                            in Seattle on June 4, 1949 with a
       Morris L. Schmidt, a member of Hillsboro               different speech. Unfortunately, he did not win
      Toastmasters club # 158, transferred to                 in the regional finals.
      Tillamook Toastmasters after starting an                       What was remarkable about his speech
      insurance agency partnership in Tillamook.              was that it was published in the Tillamook
      He graduated from Pacific University before             Headlight Herald newspaper editorial section.
      serving in the US Navy during World War II.             This was the first time a newspaper in District
      Afterwards he studied at Harvard for one year.          7 published a Toastmasters contest speech.
      Morris was involved in civic affairs such as Red        The speech is reproduced  below with written
      Cross drives. He competed in the 1949 Area 1            copyright permissions from Tillamook Head
      Speech contest with the speech titled “Neither          Light Herald March 10, 1949.

      Free Nor Equal” a speech about prejudice. One                       NEITHER FREE NOR EQUAL
      hundred fourteen people attended the contest.               “We’re trapped!” – My grandfather shouted the
      The contest  was held on March 1, 1949 at the           words as he told me about an Indian massacre
      Kennel Room Victory House in Tillamook.The              that chilled my blood.  His voice trembled with
      Contest Chairman was Don Peterson, Member               rage and animosity as he told about forty three
      of Tillamook Toastmasters and Area 1 Governor.          pioneers crossing the Snake River.  Out of nowhere
      Guests included Carl Hasenkamp, Member                  came the death cry of the Indian.  Forty three
      Timberline Toastmasters Club and Toastmasters           terror-stricken settlers were surrounded.  High
      International Director;  Irv L. Saucerman,

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